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CodeAide is a flexible code editing widget for PyQt4. It uses selectable modes which can be easily used and extended. The widget is based on QTextEdit and adds features like * line numbers on the left side, wrap indicator on column 80, highlighting current line * parenthesis matching * ... [More] "auto-typing" (adding space after comma, etc.) * code folding * snippets (subset of TextMate format) * language modes including syntax highlighting, code completition, correct indentation * a console mode Currently the main target is full Python language support and some QtScript support [Less]

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Licenses: gpl


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Creating great looking GUIs with Python and PyQt4 is easy. But PyQt lacks some higher-level widgets which are used in many advanced applications (like e.g. icons in a linedit). So this project tries to add these kind of widgets.

0 lines of code

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0 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: gpl