
Fribourg, Suisse


Ranked 221194 of 6302151.
KudoRank 6
Ranked 221194 of 6302151.
Kudos Received

No kudos received yet.

Kudos Given
KudoRank 1 Fletcher Nichol (test-kitchen)
(for test-kitchen)
“Great that Jamie converged there!”
KudoRank 1 Fletcher Nichol (kitchen-vagrant)
(for kitchen-vagrant)
“Great that Jamie converged there!”
KudoRank 4 Mitchell Hashimoto
(for Vagrant)
“I love Vagrant”
KudoRank 6 extempore
(for Scala)
“Thank you for 5 years improving Scala. Great job with sbt-extras as well!”
KudoRank 5 Michael DeHaan
“Thank you for huge and awesome work on Ansible project.”