Claimed by
The OW2 Consortium
Analyzed about 1 year ago
JORAM (Java Open Reliable Asynchronous Messaging) is an open source implementation of the JMS (Java Message Service) 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0 API. It provides access to a really distributed MOM (Message Oriented Middleware), built on top of the ScalAgent D.T. agents based platform and used within many
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critical operational applications.
Stable versions of JORAM are JMS 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0 certified. Moreover JORAM is used by JOnAS to undergo the J2EE certification, and has passed all tests concerning JMS certification in this J2EE TCK.
JORAM is a mature project started in 1999, it is an open source software released under the LGPL license since May 2000. Professional Support is available from Scalagent D.T. [Less]