A WordPress plug-in that uses the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Javascript libraries to create a platform-agnostic rotating banner image for your website. Unlike similar Flash implementations, this feature will work even on Flash-disabled web browsers.
WordPress plug-in that gives you the option of adding a Javascript-powered fading image gallery as a sidebar widget. The widget pulls its images from previous posts and automatically re-sizes them for display in the appropriate area.
Based on the abandoned wp-publications-archive project hosted on Google Code!
WP Publication Archive adds a custom content type for storing, tagging, and categorizing downloadable content external to standard WordPress posts and pages. You can add downloadable PDF files, Word documents, and
... [More] PowerPoint presentations. These files will be stored in the standard WordPress uploads directory but will be managed separately through a custom post type interface in the WordPress admin area. [Less]
Leapin' Lizard is a Windows Forms control written in C# that embeds the Mozilla Gecko browser (Xulrunner) in any Windows Forms Application.
Leapin' Lizard is derived from the GeckoFX project, originally created by Andrew Young.
The multiple network mapping was originally inspired by (and much of the code was borrowed from) the WP Multi Network plugin freely available in the WordPress repository: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-multi-network/
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