OpenMOLE is a generic workflow engine providing distributed computing facilities distributed under the AGPLv3 free software license.
* Advanced framework for Design of Experiment (DoE) on models,
* Provides facilities for embedding user models (Java, Compiled executable
... [More], NetLogo…),
* Zero-deployment – a workflow running localy will run with no effort on multi-core machines, cluster and grid computing,
* Scale up to millions of tasks and TB of data,
* Extensible – OpenMOLE concepts are extensible through an OSGi based plugable architecture. [Less]
GridScale allows to access remote job and storage services and to manage files / jobs life cycle. It supporst EGI Grid, PBS / SGE clusters, SSH, HTTP, local filesystem...§ionid=4&id=13&Itemid=26 DistMe is a toolkit and a script environment to distribute stochastic simulations on distributed execution environements (clusters, calculation grids).
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