
Ranked 754782 of 6613491.
KudoRank 1
Ranked 754782 of 6613491.
Kudos Received
KudoRank 1 Thomas Widhalm
“For your work on icinga”
KudoRank 1 Thomas Widhalm
(for icinga2)
“For your work on Icinga (2)”
KudoRank 1 jhein
KudoRank 2 naparuba
(for Icinga)
KudoRank 1 Matthew Brooks
“Awesome work as always Michael”
Kudos Given
KudoRank 1 icinga
KudoRank 1 Bernd Erk (Icinga)
(for Icinga)
“awesome work on the reporting, and the project management!”
KudoRank 1 Thomas Dressler (Icinga)
(for Icinga)
“oracle master”
KudoRank 1 bb_ricardo
“classic ui revamped!”
KudoRank 1 Jannis Mosshammer (Icinga)
(for Icinga)
“web rdbms & api ftw”
KudoRank 1 mxhash
“hack the web :)”
KudoRank 1 Wolfgang (Icinga)
(for Icinga)
“perfect docs as usual, the real icinga "backend" :)”
KudoRank 7 formorer
(for Icinga)
“icinga debian packager ON TEH R0XX”