Reviews and Ratings

The right organizer  
written almost 15 years ago

I spent many years looking for a good "random organizer". I've tried basKet some years ago, and others feature-complete organizers. The problem with all of them is they try to guess how you will think and get organized. So they certainly work for their own author, but are far too restrictive or not ergonomical in someone else's own context.

Another problem of most organizers is that they're integrated in the desktop, which generally means you have to click, you have buttons, you have one or several windows, and they require a lot of interaction.

Now, HNB. HNB is purely hierarchical. There's one type of data: entries. Not even directories and files, just entries. This means you can write a note like "write to granny", and after a while remember that you don't have her address, so you just press "right" and type a sub-entry, or several: city, street. Then you remember that the street is not clearly visible. No problem: press "right" again on the street line and add a last-minute tip about that. Etc. Moving nodes around in the hierarchy, either one or several at a time, is also fairly straightforward.

All in all, what I like about HNB is that it can sit in a terminal or in a virtual window of GNU/Screen, and you forget about it until something comes through your mind. Then you just have to reach for it, locate the right point in the hierarchy (the key bindings make your life easier, and you can even customize them through macros), type your stuff in, and forget about it. Also, I think a hierarchical, and above all *extensible* organization fits the way most people think.

I was skeptic when I first read about it, like "oh no, yet another failed intent" -actually it was already a given-up topic- but I must admit that after a while, I was seduced.

Oh, one thing that *does* piss me off: no UTF-8 support. Can't type any kind of accented character. I have to mentally convert everything to ASCII before typing, which is not an enormous deal, but that doesn't solve the problem of pasting something, which is otherwise ridiculously easy and intuitive.

Try it.

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