
Ranked 219305 of 6302151.
KudoRank 6
Ranked 219305 of 6302151.
Kudos Received
KudoRank 1 Ben Dubrovsky
“You're great!”
KudoRank 1 Scott McLeod
“Fun to work with.”
KudoRank 1 pankajdoharey
“Your Game Rock Kick-Ass pretty Epic specially the fact that it is html5”
KudoRank 1 John Bubriski
“Best co-founder EVER.”
KudoRank 7 Raphaƫl Pinson
“Thanks for your reactivity”
Kudos Given
KudoRank 1 John Bubriski
“smartest person I know.”
KudoRank 5 Daniel Cazzulino