Marco Ciampa

Trento, Italia


Ranked 40404 of 6302151.
KudoRank 8
Ranked 40404 of 6302151.
Kudos Received
KudoRank 8 Michael Schumacher
KudoRank 8 romanofski
“Cheers for your long standing contributions!”
Kudos Given
KudoRank 7 Markus Neteler
“Thanks for your invaluable work with GRASS!”
KudoRank 8 Jiro Matsuzawa (GIMP)
(for GIMP)
KudoRank 8 drawoc
KudoRank 9 Michael Natterer
KudoRank 9 Sven Neumann
KudoRank 8 Michael Schumacher
“Thanks to all you GIMPDEVs!”
KudoRank 9 Martin Nordholts
“Thanks for your invaluable work!”
KudoRank 8 romanofski
“Neither you lack in it! ;-)”