CS-Studio is a user interface framework for control systems (EPICS, TANGO, TINE, ...) based on Eclipse RCP. Among the features are synoptic/archive/trend/alarm displays.
Integrated Relational Model of Installed Systems (IRMIS): Relational DataBase schema and a set of tools to populate and search an RDB that contains information about the operational EPICS IOCs installed at that site.
This project contains the java implementation of the EPICS Channel Access protocol. It contains both the pure java implementation (caj) and the jni implementation over the c libraries (jca).
Placeholder for utility classes that should really have been part of JDK. When suitable standard replacement are available, these classes can be removed.
Java framework for Data Integration In Real-Time (diirt). It allows to receive data in soft-real time from publish/subscribe (datasources) and command/response (services) sources, normalize to a set of standard value types (vtypes), aggregate/manipulate (formula), visualize it (graphene) or
... [More] rebroadcast it (pods). It is being developed as part of a collaboration between different national labs and universities. It is mainly used in accelerator control communities (EPICS and Control System Studio). [Less]
EPICS client library to simplify gathering and composition of control system data. It also address typical problem found in UI environment (single threaded publication, rate throttling, ...) and support for multiple epics versions.
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