Gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. It's a pre-fork worker model ported from Ruby's Unicorn project. The Gunicorn server is broadly compatible with various web frameworks, simply implemented, light on server resource usage, and fairly speedy.
CouchApp is designed to structure standalone CouchDB application development for maximum application portability.
CouchApp is a set of scripts and a jQuery plugin designed to bring clarity and order to the freedom of CouchDB's document-based approach.
Couchdbkit provides you a full featured and easy client to access and manage CouchDB. It allow you to manage a CouchDB server, databases, doc managements and view access. All objects mostly reflect python objects for convenience. Server and Databases objects could be used for example as easy as using a dict.
Erlang Couchdb kit.
couchbeam is a simple erlang CouchDB framework. couchbeam provides you a full featured and easy client to access and manage multiple couchdb Nodes.
django-authopenid has moved from Google Code to Bitbucket; please head on over to the django-authopenid Bitbucket page for current code, documentation and bugs.
Py-restclient is simple REST client for Python, inspired bythe microframework (Camping, Sinatra) style of specifying actions: get,headput, post, delete.
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