It is for me personally the best Webserver. Its really fast, has the focus on security, can automatically ban attackers and is easy to config. I'm really happy with it. You can also use it for reverse proxy, fast cgi and much more. And with the embeded mbedTLS (formally PolarSSL) it did not had leaks like heartblead and others in the past. A great Webserver with less system ressource usage.
It is a really fine framework for creating secure sites. It supports Bootstrap and a CMS is included. Together with Hiawatha Webserver and the Hiawatha's Cache it is really fast.
You should give it a try for building secure and fast PHP-Apps. It has really less overhead.
MVC and XSLT is a big advantage.
I use it on my linux hosts. I like this easys readble config. It supports nat and all what I need. For me its a better choice than ufw and so on.
# Firetable configuration for IPv4
# Settings
set subnetmask 32
# Incoming traffic
accept incoming tcp to server:{22, 25, 80, 443, 993, 995}
accept incoming udp to server:53
accept incoming icmp type 11 from anywhere to server # Traceroute
drop incoming udp to anywhere:{137,138}
# Outgoing traffic
accept outgoing ip
For debian you only need this requirements: sudo apt-get install php5-cli debhelper fakeroot