Sekai Project's fork of the Ponscripter visual novel engine to take advantage of SDL2 and improve Steam integration, primarily for use in the game Narcissu 2.
The BASC Archiver is a Python library used to archive imageboard threads. It uses the 4chan API with the py4chan wrapper. Developers are free to use the BASC-Archiver library for some interesting third-party applications, as it is licensed under the LGPLv3.
It comes with a CLI interface for
... [More] archiving threads, the thread-archiver. (A GUI interface is under development.)
The thread-archiver is designed to archive all content from a 4chan thread. It replaces the typical "Right-click Save As, Web Page Complete" action, which does not save full-sized images or JSON. It works as a guerilla, static HTML alternative to Fuuka. [Less]
BASC-py4chan is a Python library that gives access to the 4chan API and an object-oriented way to browse and get board and thread information quickly and easily.
Originally written by Edgeworth, the library has been adopted and extended by Bibliotheca Anonoma.
Go-idn is a project that hopes to bring IDN and Stringprep to Go and aims to become feature compatible with libidn.
This library is in an EARLY stage, since I've only just forked and updated it from the original Google Code repository. Things WILL CHANGE and things MAY NOT WORK properly yet.
More up-to-date IRC Definition Lists. These lists define numerics, modes, tokens and other things used by IRC software, providing descriptions and links for software developers.
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