Managed Projects


  Analyzed 3 days ago

Bubolo is a java reimplementation of the 1987 game Bolo. It was originally implemented by a team of students as part of the BU MET CS 673 class.

16.7K lines of code

0 current contributors

almost 4 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: No declared licenses

Canfield Ant Simulator

  Analyzed 3 days ago

The Canfield Ant Simulator simulates a colony of ants, with a focus on the ants' search for food. Ants lay pheromone trails to notify other ants about food, as in the real world. Over time, this gives the ants the appearance of having a higher-level coordinating intelligence that is instructing all ... [More] ants according to group goals, though in actuality each ant is fully in control of itself, and does not have any direct communication with other ants. The project involved the creation of the following components: - World Creator: random map generator - Navigation Graph, with nodes & edges - Ants: goal-based agents - 7 ant goals and subgoals - A* algorithm implementation - GUI processing framework using the Observer pattern [Less]

426K lines of code

0 current contributors

about 11 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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Licenses: No declared licenses

WebGL FPS Prototype

  Analyzed 3 days ago

This is a first person game prototype, using Three.js and WebGL, with an indoor and outdoor area. It has the following features: - Implemented in JavaScript and WebGL - Textures & lighting - Particle systems - Collision detection - User interaction, such as opening doors and shooting ... [More] projectiles - Moveable camera with mouse look (though pointer lock wasn't implemented) - Zone-based system to reduce cost of collision detection and to turn particle systems on or off (based on the KD-tree concept) - Billboarding The textures are from Paul Bourke's texture library: [Less]

22.5K lines of code

0 current contributors

over 10 years since last commit

1 users on Open Hub

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