Forums : Technical Issue Help

Dear Open Hub Users,

We’re excited to announce that we will be moving the Open Hub Forum to Beginning immediately, users can head over, register, get technical help and discuss issue pertinent to the Open Hub. Registered users can also subscribe to Open Hub announcements here.

On May 1, 2020, we will be freezing and users will not be able to create new discussions. If you have any questions and concerns, please email us at [email protected]

Byte Buddy is not longer updated

Hi, my project Byte Buddy does not longer get updated:

It has been a couple of month since the last pull. It sais it failed to pull changes.

Rafael Winterha... over 9 years ago

Hi Rafael. I apologize for the severe lack of response to your post. It is inexcusable and Open Hub and I will do a far better job of responding to its users in the future. I've gone ahead and scheduled a new analysis for Byte Buddy. Please be sure to check back again for updated statistics.


Daniel Rubio

drubio over 9 years ago