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Negative lines of code

There is an issue with our project. It displays the number of lines as a negative number. Also there are more than 500 commits and just a part of is registered.

cemkalyoncu about 11 years ago

Similar thing seems to have happened to mc-server, the DOS batch script has -22 lines of code:

Mattes about 11 years ago


On the job...

P.S. The number of commits which affect trunk are currently only 323 while there are 552 for the repository as a whole. Still a lot more than the 203 we currently show.

P.P.S. SourceForge subversion is currently refusing connections for a limited number of projects, including yours. Once it is back in-service, we will be able to re-fetch the enlistment and see if we can improve the situation.


ssnow-blackduck about 11 years ago


Finally making some progress... Stand by!


ssnow-blackduck about 11 years ago


Here are the results: Re-fetch finished OK (204 total commits)(more about that later). Analysis is now at January 13, 2014 on code collected on January 13, 2014 and last commit is at January 11, 2014. We are indeed showing 203 commits which may only include (my guess only) commits that affected what we recognize as source code?

Speaking of source code, I still see the negative 381 comment lines - all in C++

Will refer this up to management to ask their help determining the cause of the negative counts and also confirming my suspicion about the way the commits are counted.

Please ask here if it takes too long to get answers and I'll try to work as intermediary if needed.


ssnow-blackduck about 11 years ago

There is still a problem. Number of lines shown as 8k, correct value (without /trunk/Externals) should be ~54k (.h and .cpp)

cemkalyoncu about 11 years ago

For the number of revisions, I found the problem but thats rather subversion issue. There has been a commit which swapped a branch to trunk. Nothing before that point is shown for trunk. However, it would be nice to show the date of very first commit as the project start date (2009-09-08) as even that is 2-3 years down the development line (r3 starts with 18k lines of code).

cemkalyoncu about 11 years ago