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The project dishevelled has not updated in several months
There was a sourceforge svn migration where the root became read only and a new svn root was added. It seemed to be like things went fine here after this change, but perhaps I need to remove the old svn repository at this point?
Thank you in advance for your help,
First it was Kenai and now it's Allura. What are you, a lightning rod?
In any case, it was a failure on which brought a halt to the updates this time (Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge). I have rescheduled the update and expect everything will come back to normal.
However, as to your question about the dual SourceForge enlistments, there is likely significant code duplication between the two but much is dependent on whether all the old history was preserved when they migrated the subversion from the old-style to the new. We can do some tests to determine that if you'd like. If it's all there, you could jettison the old since the duplication distorts the lines-of-code counts and all the metrics from which those are based. Problem becomes: if the migration left any history behind, then we have a conundrum.
In the meantime, I'll get the project back up-to-date and then we'll decide.
Rescheduled update on finished OK (no added commits). An update of the remaining enlistments started immediately and also finished OK (no, 4 and 66 added commits). Analysis is now at August 14, 2013 on code collected on August 14, 2013 and last commit is at August 13, 2013 - about 12 hours ago.
I have a dummy project to which I'll enlist each of the SourceForge subversions to determine the earliest commits.
Looks as if the new (Allura) subversion has all the history back to 8/19/2005. It seems that the older read-only subversion can be deep-sixed. (Nothing is ever permanent - just go to the edits page and redo the enlistment to get it back.) With both subversions enlisted there were 143 pages of commits (most doubled) and with just the new one it's down to 73 pages.
ok, great, thank you for your help!
I will remove the older sourceforge read-only svn repository at then.