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Failing adding a gitorious project

Hi, I'm trying to insert a new project hosted in gitorious. I fill the form with all required informations; after submitting it, I receive a mail with confirmation and a link ( to the project page but clicking it opens Page not found containing this string:

Something seems wrong with your URL (a 404 error)

Searching the project returns 0 matches.

I tryed a couple of times, with exactly the same results.

Any info about the problem?

Very thanks.

Giuseppe Calà about 12 years ago

I experienced the same problem.

j1mc about 12 years ago

I even get the same issue if I don't add the project repository at the first step. I had waited several days thinking that a server might just need to refresh the project list over night, but the project info wasn't ever updated.

I think there are multiple, orphaned instances of the project out there now.

This is the page that I get stuck at after submitting the project:

It never advances beyond that page, and that page is completely blank.

j1mc about 12 years ago

I'm experiencing the exact same thing. I've tried multiple times to add a project, but every time I get a blank page, and an e-mail that leads to a 404, regardless of if I start with a repository (GitHub, in my case) or not.

Bobby Graese about 12 years ago


Please be advised that management is aware that something is wrong... Will report back here once we know more.

Problem seems to be intermittent or possibly is dependent on something else specific. Projects ARE being created as recently as 8 hours ago. If you'd like you can certainly try again. Please let us know here either way.

It would help a great deal if you get any clues. I'm thinking that we are missing something with our bounds checking in the input fields: perhaps accented characters somewhere or invalid URL's that look good but are hiding a problem. Let us know what you find.


ssnow-blackduck about 12 years ago

I think I just found something. The project I'm trying to add is a library I wrote called libptp++. Because github doesn't allow pluses in the URL, the URL is . Using this URL to add a project always results in a couldn't contact github message. However, I tried with another one of my github projects, and it was able to grab data.

It's probably also worth noting that I always put the github page as the project URL, I tried to name the project libptp++, and I tried to give it the URL of libptp--.

Hope this helps!

Bobby Graese about 12 years ago


Looks like if you can find a way (however devious) to create the project page then populate it with an enlistment later. The trick seems to be using this URL for the enlistment:

I have that bringing down code now in a project. I'll let you know what happens.


ssnow-blackduck about 12 years ago


In a Nutshell,
has had 6 commits made by 3 contributors
representing 799 lines of code
is mostly written in C++
with a very well-commented source code
has a codebase with a very short history
maintained by by one developer
with stable year-over-year commits
took an estimated 1 years of effort (COCOMO model)
starting with its first commit in February, 2013
ending with its most recent commit 3 days ago

C++ 88%
C 11%
shell script 1%

That's how the repo works... See if you can get the project page going.


ssnow-blackduck about 12 years ago

If it helps at all, here are a couple of the URLS from the emails I received when trying to set up this project:

That may help you with researching the particular projects that were causing the problem.

As a note, these urls are for the same project. : / Sorry. I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong, so I tried it a couple of times.

j1mc about 12 years ago


That may help down the road if we can correlate the URL with any error logs we may have. Nothing is lost in general but a number (and we have a bunch).

Think, though, if you were trying to do something creative in the way of not-so-plain-jane inputs in the fields. Odd-bird URL's and uncommon characters come to mind but there may be a different common theme - maybe in the Project Name field or Ohloh Project URL field or Description field? Anywhere where an odd character or two may slip through and gum up the works?


ssnow-blackduck about 12 years ago


If you want, try skipping all the non-required fields in the new-project form and just fill in the Project Name and Ohloh Project URL fields and see if that nets you a valid project page. The rest of the info including the enlistments can be filled in later and may not be subject to the same flaw as if they are filled out in the first place.

This could be a work-around for those who are frustrated so far. Let me know if this works or not.


P.S. Even the Project Name field can be changed later in Project Basics. Perhaps start simple and then fix it after?

ssnow-blackduck about 12 years ago

Thanks for all the help! Filling out just the project name and Ohloh Project URL is what eventually worked for me. I was then able to add all the other information to the project (including making myself the manager).

Bobby Graese about 12 years ago

I attempted to fill out just the project name and Ohloh Project URL but I still got the blank page. My project is on SourceForge.

Mats Andreassen about 12 years ago

I've tried four times to add - this last, fourth, try, I removed the single apostrophe in the description (Bottlin' musicmetadata to put on display since 2-0-12! -> Bottlin musicmetadata to put on display since 2-0-12!), which made it go through. Perhaps the description isn't being escaped properly? You might want to put fixing that highly, in case there's a chance of SQL injection or XSS or something possible...

Previous URLs were:

Freso almost 12 years ago

My experience is similar to what Freso described. Trying to enter a project description containing an apostrophe results is in a 422 HTTP status response from the POST url.

warp almost 12 years ago


I'm just glad you were able to add your project at all... You should be able to go back and add the apostrophe now in the... nevermind! You beat me to it.

I'll pass your suggestion on to management in case there's a vulnerability here.


ssnow-blackduck almost 12 years ago

Filling in the project name and Ohloh URL, and I still just get a blank page, and an email, but no new project. I've tried this a lot of different ways all to the same result.

It seems I still had the I manage this project checked. With that off, I could create the project. Though now I need to apply to be the manager...

Behan Webster almost 12 years ago


That's good detective work and hopefully will help with the debugging. Let me know here if you aren't able to assume the manager's role. I'll be glad to approve it if needed.


ssnow-blackduck almost 12 years ago

Seems I'm all setup now. But that was considerably more annoying an experience than I had been expecting. The interface and all the forms are great. The bit that happens when you submit is severely broken. :(

I hope you figure out what the issue is, because providing fields to fill out, which if you do screws up your project submission, is extremely frustrating. I understand it's not working as it's supposed to, but I would suggest removing all those other fields until you have this sorted out. I wasted a lot of time figuring this out.

Otherwise a great service.

Behan Webster almost 12 years ago

I got through as well, by removing the default description ohloh extracted from my project page and unchecking manager, leaving the minimum of information. My description contained a smiley and no apostrophe.

Mats Andreassen almost 12 years ago


Another clue suggested: The problem seems to relate to theI manage this projectcheckbox. If I check that, project creation fails. Leaving it unchecked and becoming manager afterwards works.

Hmmm. Worth a try and no real significant effort needed compared to other suggestions I and others came up with.


ssnow-blackduck almost 12 years ago


Project creation failure due to checking I manage this project checkbox has been fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Abhay Mujumdar almost 12 years ago