Forums : Technical Issue Help

Dear Open Hub Users,

We’re excited to announce that we will be moving the Open Hub Forum to Beginning immediately, users can head over, register, get technical help and discuss issue pertinent to the Open Hub. Registered users can also subscribe to Open Hub announcements here.

On May 1, 2020, we will be freezing and users will not be able to create new discussions. If you have any questions and concerns, please email us at [email protected]

werkzeug source not updated for 11 months

I guess that one needs a little admin handholding:

The code location itself is fine so someone should tell the Ohloh crawler to try again. :-)

Felix Schwarz almost 12 years ago


If a kick is required, then a kick it shall get...


ssnow-blackduck almost 12 years ago


Got a URL returned error: 403 while accessing error 11 months ago. Rescheduled the update which finished OK (66 added commits). Waiting now for the analysis phase to run (may be a while.)

Will let you know when the project is back 100%


ssnow-blackduck almost 12 years ago

Thanks, no need for further updates - it's done already :-)

Felix Schwarz almost 12 years ago


Cool! Sometimes I get surprised pleasantly!


ssnow-blackduck almost 12 years ago