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We have added an entlistment corresponding to our previous SVN (lutece project #7203). There some few problems.
* only old commiters appear in the list (lutece_history entlistment)
* lines of code are summed (that's quite normal but the old files should be ignored from the date of the begining of the current svn)
* Licence warnings should only consider the current SVN
Anything you could fix would be great.
Thanks for your great work.
Best regards
Hi Pierre,
I don't have good news.
The problem is that all of the code was moved from /trunk to /portal/trunk on 2007-09-21.
Ohloh cannot follow history accross branches or directory moves. To Ohloh, it looks like /portal/trunk did not exist before 2007-09-21. That is why all of your commits and contributors are missing.
This is a serious limitation that affects many projects, and there is not a workaround that I am aware of. There are many posts in our forums about this, and I am currently working on code to fix this.
The other two problems you raised are by design. There are many projects on Ohloh which include multiple repositories, and for nearly all of them, summing lines of code and combining licenses warnings is the desired behavior.
In your case, you are trying to include historical commits but do not wish to actually have the lines of code counted. We can't do that yet, but such a feature has been requested a few times. It's a reasonable thing to want to do. It could be as simple as a checkbox on an enlistment that says, This is an old repository that we don't use anymore.
Ohloh could then report all of the commit activity, but ignore the current lines of code. It's a good feature idea, but it will be a while before we have time to implement it.
Dear Robin,
Thanks very much for your answer. For point 2 and 3, a checkbox would be a good idea and will fit our wishes.
For the point 1, we have a backup of the SVN before 2007-09-21. Maybe we will be able soon to add it as a third entlistment, as an old repository (checkbox checked), to have all lost information ;-). Is that rigth ?