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Moving an enlistment deletes entire history


I've been doing some reorganizing of the SVN repositories for the project Vikingboard (4198), for a lot of different reasons. I then remembered that I should update the enlistment URL here at ohloh, to make it point to the right URL. The enlistments page didn't offer me any way to change the URL, though, so I deleted the enlistment and added the new URL. I thought ohloh could handle that without disrupting the history.

But no, now it says that the code is only a few hours old, was written by a single developer, and that there has only been 5 commits (or so) in the entire project lifetime. In other words: all statistics except the pure code-related statistics is wrong. Is there a way for you to recover the history, so that the stats will be correct again?

  • Jørgen Tellnes Lead developer, Vikingboard
Jørgen over 17 years ago

Hi Jørgen,

The Ohloh Subversion importer does not currently follow files that have been moved from one directory to another.

If you've just reorganized your source tree, then yes, it's likely that our importer is ignoring everything that happened before the reorganization. Yes, this is terrible, and it's near the top of the list of things that I'd like to fix on Ohloh.

The data for the old history is probably still in our system... if you go to the edit history and 'redo' the old enlistment, the old code should reappear. This might be a good workaround for you until we fix the importer.

Robin Luckey over 17 years ago

Would that be the same bug that affects my project? It was moved within its Subversion repository, causing Ohloh not to see its entire history. It only sees the commits that happened to it after the move, thus ignores all but the last 31 commits.

% svn log svn:// | awk '/^r[0-9]+/ {cnt++} END{print cnt}'

Stig Brautaset over 17 years ago

Yes, that's what happened.

Robin Luckey over 17 years ago


We have added an entlistment corresponding to our previous SVN (lutece project #7203). There some few problems.

  • only old commiters appear in the list (lutece_history entlistment
  • lines of code are summed (that's quite normal but the old files should be ignored from the date of the begining of the current svn)
  • Licences warning should only consider the current SVN

Anything you could fix would be great.

Thanks for your great work.

Best regards


mdpdev over 17 years ago