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NumPy code analysis broken

NumPy recently switched from subversion to git. When we switched to git, we moved to github. To update the numpy entitlement, I added the github site and deleted the old svn entitlement.

Ohloh seems to be able to get the code from github. For instance, it is getting the commits:

But it says that numpy is mostly written in modula2:

And it reports that the codebase is:

How is it possible that we have a negative number of lines of code?


Jarrod Millman over 14 years ago

Thanks Jarrod; it does look bad. We are looking into this is issue and will keep you posted.

Abhay Mujumdar over 14 years ago


Jarrod Millman over 14 years ago

Is there any update on what is happening with the code analysis for numpy? thanks- jarrod

Jarrod Millman over 14 years ago

Jarrod, we have identified the problem and fixing it is taking more time that we had anticipated. I don't have an ETA yet, but this is the #1 issue we are working on. We'll keep you posted.

Thanks again!

Abhay Mujumdar about 14 years ago

Have you had any luck on getting this issue resolved?


Jarrod Millman about 14 years ago


We've been really busy getting up to speed with how all of ohloh operates behind the scenes.

Right now we are preparing for the server migration taking place in the next 1 to 2 weeks.

Once the servers have been migrated from Chicago to Boston we have several bug fixes and changes we need to roll out to them.

After that is when we will begin work on the negative line count problem.

Fixing the problem involves re-designing the way Ohloh stores commit history. This is a big task which will take a few weeks to complete.

We wish it wasn't a multi-week project, but Ohloh was designed before GIT became popular and thus Ohloh tries to represent GIT which has a non-linear commit stream into a linear one. This causes many problems, one of which is the incorrect line counts.

RobertSchultz about 14 years ago


Jarrod Millman about 14 years ago


We just pushed out a set of fixes to address this issue and NumPy was updated with new analysis. Let us know if things look better now.

Thank you for your patience and support

Abhay Mujumdar almost 14 years ago

Awesome! After a quick glance, it looks great. If I notice anything out of the ordinary, I will let you know. Thanks for taking care of this.

Jarrod Millman almost 14 years ago

The updates haven't worked for the past 8 months it seems. Could you please have another look?

Ralf Gommers almost 13 years ago


Rescheduled the hung update which finished OK (628 added commits). Analysis page is now at Mar 01 2012 and last commit is at 2012-02-29 (about 15 hours ago).

Please continue to let me know here if problems show up again.


ssnow-blackduck almost 13 years ago

Great, thanks for the quick response!

Ralf Gommers almost 13 years ago