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Project does not show on a list for a given programming language

Something is wrong with my project language recognition. The summary correctly recognizes it as Mostly written in PHP, but then I displayed a list of projects in PHP language. According to the number of users, my project (open-power-template-2) should be listed somewhere on page 15 or 16. However, it is not.

The strange thing is that if I use the search and type language:php Open Power Template, it finds my project without any problems. Could someone take a look at this? I would appreciate that.

Tomasz Jędrzeje... over 14 years ago

Hi Tomasz,

You displayed a list of projects in PHP language -- how exactly did you do this? Do you have a URL for that?


Robin Luckey over 14 years ago

Actually it is ordinary searching. You type for example language:php in the search box and here it is. Such list can be also obtained from the language statistics list:

Any project -> Code analysis -> [Click on one of project languages] -> on the language statistics page the number of projects that use it is clickable.

Example for PHP:

Tomasz Jędrzeje... over 14 years ago

Hi Tomasz,

Sorry, I misunderstood your original question. Yes, I can confirm the search results bug.

This will require some investigation. I'll open a bug ticket, but I can't give any timing estimate for a fix.

Thanks for letting us know,


Robin Luckey over 14 years ago

That's all right, this is not very critical for me. By the way, I have a suggestion to expose the per-language project list, because I found it quite useful for exploring the project database.

Tomasz Jędrzeje... over 14 years ago