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Support for mercurial

thanks for the good humor unexist - and sorry about the post notifier. I disabled it until I find the right fix.

Andy Verprauskus almost 17 years ago

any news about mercurial?

waltercruz over 16 years ago

Now that Mozilla has adopted Mercurial, it would certainly be nice if Ohloh supported it. What can I do to help? I'm a Mercurial developer and wouldn't mind spending some time working on a way to let Ohloh pull Mercurial repos into whatever sort of format they want -- just contact me and we can discuss it.

Dirkjan Ochtman over 16 years ago

It is a shame that mercurial is not supported, it is the best source code management system around (perhaps tied with git) and I have been using it for all my projects for over two years now.

uriel over 16 years ago

Guess the feature list must be really long. The first post in this thread is nearly a year old. I am still hoping.. :)

Can anybody of the staff tell more?

Christoph Kappel over 16 years ago

Still no update? :(

Armin Ronacher over 16 years ago

+1 from me too, all of my projects use Mercurial.

Tim Post over 16 years ago

+1. Mercurial is one of the most popular SCM software.

jarkkop over 16 years ago

Still no update? How long does that take? You managed to clone twitter in the meantime but adding mercurial support is too hard?

Armin Ronacher over 16 years ago

Is there any viewable todo-list? I would like to see where mercurial support is in this list.

Actually it's funny to see how many web20 features are integrated before the core stuff like support for common used scm's is finished.

Christoph Kappel over 16 years ago

A new +1 from me, too.

Since I asked first, I now switched all my projects over to Mercurial, so almost none of them get tracked by ohloh anymore, and I'd like to change that.

Ohloh is great, but if it isn't able to track my code, all its code inspection is in vain for me, and that's still the basic functionality.

ArneBab over 16 years ago

I would really like to see Mercurial supported, too.

Seo Sanghyeon over 16 years ago

Silence makes me believe that nobody cares. ;)

Karol Nowak over 16 years ago

Look at the age of this thread.. ;)

Christoph Kappel over 16 years ago

I don't understand what's so hard about tracking Mercurial? Even Feedburner could do it easily via RSS/ATOM

Oh well.. when Mercurial is supported I'll participate in ohloh. Everything I'm doing is in hg.

Tim Post over 16 years ago

My semi-silence was just polite waiting :)

And being polite was/is a way how I tried to show that I care quite much.

ArneBab over 16 years ago

NetBeans project has recently migrated to hg (Mercurial) making the old cvs repos obsolete. Should NetBeans project be rather delisted from Ohloh since it is not tracking any recent changes? Or is ohloh dead (at least for us using Mercurial)?

David Strupl over 16 years ago

Ohloh is far from dead, and we'd love to get Mercurial support into Ohloh.

The main reason for the delay is that we have to prioritize work that will generate revenue. There's no doubt that Mercurial will be supported in the future, but first we have to ensure that there will be a future :-).

There's also the nagging issue of performance. At some point Ohloh's internals will require some reorganizing. We'd like to get our commit logs updating in near-real-time, and we still want to open up more of our source code. It makes sense to us to do this work before we start adding support for additional source control systems.

Robin Luckey over 16 years ago

Is there a way we can help getting Mercurial into Ohloh?

I'm quite sure you'll quickly get patches if you tell people what the code has to do.

Is there some format (you could talk about), the information has to be transformed to?

Or could you give some people who'd like to add Mercurial support a glance at the code, so they can directly provide patches?

ArneBab over 16 years ago

Too bad that support is only planned in the far future. Performance issues can take a lot of time.

What about increasing the team? In this thread is even a mercurial developer (Dirkjan Ochtman) imvolved. I am sure he could be a great help to get this thing done. I would love to see this support.

Is there anything I can help with?

Christoph Kappel over 16 years ago

There was a time when I logged on to Ohloh almost daily, but since I completely switched to Mercurial, I rarely visit Ohloh anymore, because it can't do its main task anymore: Analyzing my code.

I used it as reference in my projects, and I used it as metric showing me, if I commented enough, but I can't do that anymore, so it doesn't gain me anything.

Still I like the idea of Ohloh very much, and I'd love to use it again, but it needs Mercurial support to be useful to me.

And 4851 views for this thread give a hint, that many others might feel the same.

ArneBab over 16 years ago

Same here - it's just a pity. I tried the detour via git once and it just sucks.

I usually only visit ohloh whenever I get a mail about a new reply in this thread. Hopefully there will be any good news soon.

Christoph Kappel over 16 years ago

After adding one of my projects and finding out that ohloh can't analyze Mercurial repositories, I didn't bother adding any of my other projects.

I doubt I will add them in the future either, since right now the site is virtually useless for me as a developer.

jarkkop over 16 years ago

+1 for ArneBab-like user.

Almad over 16 years ago

I'm hoping for hg support too... Xen (which I work on) also uses Mercurial, as do a number of Linux kernel projects (those that don't use git typically use hg).

All of my personal projects are stored in Mercurial too, so I'm not really able to make much use of the statistics on Ohloh :-(

Of course, keeping the business going is important and I'm sure we wish you all the best.

Mark Williamson over 16 years ago