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MCUSim hasn't been updated for 29 days



MCUSim, project I'm working on, hasn't been updated for 29 days already. I tried to remove and add its code location, but I didn't help. Project isn't popular at the moment, but I've received a contribution from a new developer and it's why I'd like project to be updated. Thanks!

Dmitry Salychev about 7 years ago

Hello Dmitry Salychev,

Yes, the project has been updated now.

Happy to help!

Anonymous Coward about 7 years ago

Thanks! It seems to be updated correctly now except a chart which represents number of commits per month.

Dmitry Salychev about 7 years ago

Hello Dmitry Salychev,

Yes, the issue has been fixed and you can see the commits per month chart of the project.

Happy to help!

Priya5 about 7 years ago

Hi, Priya.

It's nice to see :) Thanks!
I think that my problem has been resolved completely and topic can be closed.

Dmitry Salychev about 7 years ago

Comments to this topic are now closed. Please create a new topic to get technical support.

The user who created the topic can reopen this topic at any time.