LetsDial is a communication platform designed to streamline business interactions by offering a range of unified communication tools. It provides virtual phone numbers, messaging, voice and video calling, and call management features, making it easier for businesses to manage customer interactions
... [More] across multiple devices. With LetsDial, businesses can choose local or international numbers, enhance customer service with features like voicemail and call forwarding, and maintain consistent communication, whether in the office or on the go. Its user-friendly setup and reliable performance make it an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes looking to optimize their communication. [Less]
Nuntium overviewNuntium is an open source and free platform -developed by InSTEDD- that allows applications to send and receive all type of messages. Examples of messages are sms, emails and twitter direct messages.
Let's start with an exampleSuppose you have a website that lets users browse and
... [More] geolocate sms sent by users. Once a message is geolocated you want to send this information to a particular number. Also suppose you have an sms number by which you can receive and send sms. You want your website to focus on the geolocation task and leave the sending and receiving of sms to Nuntium. Here's how you do it:
You create an Application in Nuntium (similar to an account) You create a Channel that will communicate with the cellphone company. A Channel is something that lets Nuntium ... [Less]
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