I’m one of those people that always rate their songs. Most of the time because I prefer to listen to my favorite music on my iPod when running on the streets. But for me it was just too much effort to open iTunes and rate the song that is currently playing. That is why I developed Funes. An easy to
... [More] use application that lets me choose the rating by clicking the stars in the status menu. [Less]
You can update your online journal at LiveJournal.com (and other LiveJournal compatible servers) with this Open Source Mac OS X Objective-C Cocoa application.
ImageAlpha is a GUI for pngnq and pngquant.
It allows you to easily generate paletted PNG images with full alpha channel and easily preview them against multiple backgrounds, to find optimum number of colors.
A Mac OS X Leopard application that exports your Address Book contacts to CSV, tab delimited, hCard and Google Contacts. It has built-in auto updating and Keychain integration and is localized in English and Dutch.
PRICE: a high-quality image manipulation and enhancement application.
Coded in Objective-C using the Foundation and AppKit framezorks it runs natively on MacOS (Cocoa) and GNUstep (Unix, Solaris, BSD, Linux, Windows)
The goal is to create an NSXML style API that can used in environments without NSXML (e.g. iPhone).
KissXML was inspired by the TouchXML project, but was created to add full support for generating XML as well as supporting the entire NSXML API.
Fast mini application that opens a Terminal.app window cd'd to the front most finder window. This app is designed (including it's icon) to placed in the finder window's toolbar.
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