3 shared projects Lua for IDEA, IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, Lua
No unique projects
2 shared projects Debian, PostgreSQL Database Server
No unique projects
3 shared projects Lua for IDEA, Lua, IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
2 unique projects IDLua SDK: World of Warcraft, cURL
3 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, Debian, PostgreSQL Database Server
2 shared projects Debian, PostgreSQL Database Server
1 unique project Barman for PostgreSQL
2 shared projects Debian, GNU Compiler Collection
1 unique project OpenWrt
2 shared projects PostgreSQL Database Server, Debian
1 unique project Barman for PostgreSQL
2 shared projects CMake, GNU Compiler Collection
1 unique project Boost C++ Libraries
3 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, CMake, Debian
5 unique projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, Vim, Git, GDB, Travis CI
3 shared projects OpenTibia Server, Lua, GNU Compiler Collection
5 unique projects Premake, Doxygen, Apache Subversion, GNU Make, GDB
3 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, PostgreSQL Database Server, Debian
5 unique projects GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, GNU Make, SQLite, Vim
3 shared projects Lua, GNU Compiler Collection, CMake
4 unique projects otclient, Boost C++ Libraries, GLEW, PhysicsFS