24 shared projects Python programming language, SQLite, Vim, GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, OpenSSH, Wget, GIMP, OpenSSL, GNU Screen, GNU findutils, GNU sed, GnuPG, MPlayer, ImageMagick, GDB, Nmap Security Scanner, cURL, Wireshark, tcpdump, mutt
26 unique projects Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), irssi, DMD, Mozilla Firefox, gzip, X.Org, notion, Git, Linux Kernel, MySQL, rsync, Bash, sudo, Apache HTTP Server, GNU GRUB, Apache OpenOffice, bzip2, VLC media player, GNU Diff Utilities, GNOME, GNU C Library, GNU binutils, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), phpMyAdmin, Debian, mcabber
21 shared projects SQLite, Python programming language, GnuPG, GNU Screen, Vim, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Make, GNU findutils, MPlayer, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU sed, OpenSSL, cURL, OpenSSH, ImageMagick, tcpdump, Nmap Security Scanner, Wireshark, zsh
18 unique projects Dosage, Debian, Twisted, djbdns, Postfix, rsync, X.Org, GNU GRUB, sudo, Linux Kernel, Apache Subversion, Apache OpenOffice, Mozilla Firefox, FFmpeg, GHC, txFluidDB, Methanal, Ibid
23 shared projects GNU Make, cURL, Nmap Security Scanner, OpenSSH, GnuPG, GDB, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, GNU findutils, Wget, OpenSSL, GNU grep, GNU sed, ImageMagick, tcpdump, GNU Screen, GNU Compiler Collection, MPlayer, Wireshark, Vim, OpenVPN, xterm, SQLite
25 unique projects GNU GRUB, Linux Kernel, CentOS, Bash, sudo, rsync, bzip2, Samba, Git, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU Autoconf, GNU binutils, libxml2, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), Apache Subversion, FFmpeg, Perl, PostgreSQL Database Server, MySQL, rdesktop, gzip, VI, iptables, RPM, libxslt
22 shared projects MPlayer, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU Core Utilities, Wireshark, GNU grep, Python programming language, Wget, GNU tar, GNU Screen, OpenSSH, GnuPG, GIMP, GNU findutils, Vim, SQLite, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make, OpenSSL, GNU sed, cURL, GDB, tcpdump
25 unique projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache HTTP Server, FFmpeg, MySQL, rsync, Inkscape, PHP, GNU C Library, GNU binutils, Firebug, Git, Bash, Linux Kernel, sudo, X.Org, Debian, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, GNU Diff Utilities, GNOME, GTK, VLC media player, bzip2, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), gzip
18 shared projects cURL, GNU tar, GNU Screen, OpenSSH, MPlayer, GNU grep, GNU Compiler Collection, GnuPG, GNU Make, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, Nmap Security Scanner, Wireshark, GNU findutils, OpenSSL, GNU sed, GDB, zsh
14 unique projects X.Org, raspi-config, Mozilla Firefox, Apache HTTP Server, Bash, Linux Kernel, rsync, GNU binutils, GNU C Library, Xymon systems and network monitor, bzip2, Debian, Git, GNU Diff Utilities
19 shared projects GNU grep, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSH, OpenSSL, GNU findutils, GnuPG, Python programming language, Nmap Security Scanner, Wireshark, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, Vim, Wget, GNU Make, GNU Screen, cURL, SQLite, GNU sed, GDB
17 unique projects GNOME, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), rsync, Linux Kernel, LaTeX, Bash, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, Mozilla Firefox, sudo, GNU GRUB, Git, GNU Diff Utilities, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU binutils, GNU C Library, gzip
20 shared projects Vim, GIMP, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU grep, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, Valgrind, Python programming language, GNU Make, GNU findutils, OpenSSL, GNU sed, GnuPG, GNU Screen, OpenSSH, ImageMagick, GDB, cURL
20 unique projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, Apache HTTP Server, Bash, libpng, Linux Kernel, MySQL, Apache OpenOffice, bzip2, LaTeX, PHP, Git, X.Org, sudo, rsync, GNU Automake, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, GNU Autoconf, GNU Diff Utilities, Perl
22 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, OpenSSH, GNU Make, OpenSSL, GNU sed, MPlayer, Wireshark, SQLite, Wget, GIMP, GNU findutils, GNU Screen, GnuPG, ImageMagick, Python programming language, Nmap Security Scanner, cURL, GDB, tcpdump
26 unique projects aria2, Bash, Linux Kernel, X.Org, sudo, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, bzip2, VLC media player, rsync, PuTTY, GNU Diff Utilities, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Samba, Git, FFmpeg, GNU Autoconf, GNU GRUB, Mozilla Firefox, Firebug, phpMyAdmin, GNU C Library, Debian, GNU binutils, GNU Automake, GTK
24 shared projects MPlayer, Vim, GDB, GNU tar, GNU findutils, GNU sed, ImageMagick, GIMP, GNU grep, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSL, GnuPG, GNU Screen, Wget, Nmap Security Scanner, OpenSSH, cURL, Amarok, GNU Make, tcpdump, Valgrind, SQLite, Python programming language
34 unique projects X.Org, Apache Subversion, Apache OpenOffice, GNU GRUB, sudo, rsync, bzip2, GNU C Library, GNU Diff Utilities, libogg, libpng, GTK, Bash, Linux Kernel, libvorbis, Apache HTTP Server, GNU binutils, libjpeg, Gawk, Mesa, GLib, irssi, FUSE, PHP, Git, The FreeType Project, dpkg, Perl, Pango, GStreamer, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Cairo, TinyScheme, Sinatra
15 shared projects OpenSSH, OpenSSL, cURL, Wget, GNU sed, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU findutils, Wireshark, GnuPG, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Screen, tcpdump, Nmap Security Scanner, OpenVPN
8 unique projects rsync, Elinks, lynx, GNU Diff Utilities, bzip2, sudo, iproute2, iptables
15 shared projects Nmap Security Scanner, GNU Make, GNU Screen, cURL, GNU findutils, GnuPG, OpenSSH, GNU Core Utilities, ImageMagick, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSL, GNU grep, Wget, GNU tar, GNU sed
8 unique projects bzip2, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU binutils, GNU C Library, duplicity, Bash, rsync, sudo
14 shared projects Python programming language, GNU grep, Vim, OpenSSH, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Make, GNU Screen, Wget, GNU findutils, ImageMagick, OpenSSL, GNU sed, MPlayer
7 unique projects VLC media player, GNU GRUB, X.Org, bzip2, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNOME, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim)