1 shared project JEuclid
2 unique projects symja, Java Algebra System
1 shared project JEuclid
31 unique projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, QMTest, GNU Make, GDB, GNU Compiler Collection, Apache Subversion, Roundup Issue Tracker, Python programming language, Apache HTTP Server, XEmacs, X.Org, Fedora Packages, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, GNU grep, Bash, Linux Kernel, GNU GRUB, GNU findutils, GNU sed, GNU Autoconf, GIMP, Boost C++ Libraries, Mozilla Firefox, Buildbot, SciPy, DocBook, Sphinx documentation builder, Drupal (core), OpenVSIP, IPython
1 shared project JEuclid
31 unique projects KDE, GNU Screen, MPlayer, GNU binutils, SQLite, FFmpeg, Trac, WebKit, Git, GNU grep, Python programming language, Chromium (Google Chrome), Qt 4, Apache Subversion, zsh, sudo, GNU Compiler Collection, Linux Kernel, Apache HTTP Server, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Make, OpenSSH, Wget, GNU findutils, rsync, bzip2, OpenSSL, GNU sed, GNU Diff Utilities, VLC media player
1 shared project JEuclid
33 unique projects Barcode4J, Apache FOP, Apache Batik, Apache Forrest, Apache Subversion, Mozilla Firefox, Apache HTTP Server, Apache OpenOffice, Checkstyle, Apache Xerces2 J, Apache Commons Logging, Commons IO, WordPress, FreeMind, PuTTY, Inkscape, Apache Ant, JUnit, Eclipse IDE for Java, VLC media player, Ghostscript, Apache XML Graphics Commons, Apache PDFBox, TortoiseSVN, Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server, Apache ActiveMQ, Cayenne, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), FindBugs, EclEmma, Apache Felix, Apache ACE, Vaadin
1 shared project JEuclid
40 unique projects PuTTY, Apache Subversion, Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, Apache OpenOffice, M2Eclipse: Maven Integration for Eclipse, Apache HTTP Server, RemoteFinder, Apache Maven 2, Apache XML Graphics Commons, VLC media player, Apache FOP, Inkscape, Apache Continuum, Linux Kernel, Apache Xerces2 J, libxml2, Checkstyle, libxslt, Eclipse IDE for Java, Apache Tomcat, GWT (formerly Google Web Toolkit), TestNG, DocBook, Apache Commons Logging, FindBugs, OpenBSD, KDE, GNU tar, Courier Mail Server, Bash, Gtk+ Mac OS X, OpenLDAP, Kontact, ImageMagick, FreeHEP Java Libraries, Eclipse Mylyn, MENYA, Xournal, Jukito
0 shared projects
289 unique projects kopia, vkurko event calendar, Flameshot, Milkdown, Dolibarr ERP & CRM, Sell-Your-Saas, Stalwart Mail Server, forgejo, interact.js, signaturepdf, Jabe BPMN, Luckysheet, Project MAXS, TOAST UI Editor, Imaginary Teleprompter, SymmetricDS, VvvebJs, PHPSci CArray Extension, hyperledger, Lua, JMAP specification, TinCanPHP, lxHive, learninglocker, php-xapi, mxgraph, KeeWeb, JaM monitoring, Kamanja, draw.io, Roundcube Next, jmap-client, CasperJS, Backfeed, emailJS, H5P, AdminLTE, Kap Screen Recorder, MindMup, bpmn-io, Qubes OS, DansGuardian, Polymer Project, Search Guard, rainloop-webmail, kontalk-androidclient, photobooth-js, webappfind, jitsi-videobridge, FreeMind, unoconv, GraphicsMagick, Media-Alchemyst, Zephir, Strophe.js, gnuplot, Doctrine, GNU Bison, HipHop Virtual Machine for PHP, IXThemes, startbootstrap, RPM, Quill Rich Text Editor, PRISM Break, libreswan, snappy-wkhtmltopdf, phpwkhtmltopdf, captioning, phpvideotoolkit-v2, Famous, HTTrack, VersionEye, Goteo, DenyHosts, Monitoring Plugins, odtPHP, rCharts, d3.chart, sitespeed.io, bootstrap-switch, phpdbg, SnapBuild-Your-Own-Blocks, jsPlumb, Meemoo-Dataflow, Meemoo, KeePassPHP, keepass-node, jQuery-Desktop, ABLincoln, scssphp, Btcpayserver, IndieWeb, MathJax, NoFlo, PhpFlo, LibreMesh, Commotion Wireless, Plivo framework, Timeglider jquery widget/plugin, jQuery Timecloud, twilio-php, Native Client, Let's Encrypt, QUAIL Accessibility Library, mRemoteNG, Sesame, Pixastic, javauploader, Calligra Suite, Ligne du temps (Flex 2), html5lib-python, swiftmailer, Minify, slimerjs, Okular (KDE), SeaMonkey, LocalWiki, PhiloGL, libredocs, js-hotkeys, Yahoo! Mojito Framework, blockly, The Render Engine, gameQuery, openlayers-timeline, Vienna IKS Editables, Encryptr, woot-realtime, Joind.in, Convergence CA, Barada, php-nlgen, Ember.js, Processing.js, redbeanphp, v8js, revive-adserver, JSGL - JavaScript Graphics Library, elRTE, tmjs, PHP_Depend, phantomjs, QSOS, pecl_libevent, mindmaps, Cesium WebGL Virtual Globe and Map, persistence.js, Aloha Editor - HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor, league/commonmark (PHP), DART language, jQuery Universal Language Selector, JQuery IME, jquery.i18n, QuickCode (formerly ScraperWiki), Aura for PHP, LeechCraft, MiniCart, three.js, WebGL, Open Source Routing Machine, Simple-Naive-Bayes-Classifier-for-PHP, React PHP, Mergely, joyride, Kurogo Mobile Web, intro.js, bootstrap-tour, Guiders-JS, pageguide, FMJ - Freedom for Media in Java, scrumblr, gmvault, CheckMK, Satis - Simple static Composer repository generator., JCodec, Zero Install, Commerceguys Addressing, SWIG, coreboot, Emscripten, IndiMail, PHPMailer, wikiLingo, Heimdall-ROM, zenpen, Medium.js, mitro, FreeFileSync, OpenKeychain, node-srp, Mobile Detect Lib, openpgpjs, Freedomotic - IoT and Smart Spaces Framework, jscommunicator, JsSIP, B.A.T.M.A.N., openclinic, Z-Push-contrib, Archipel, HTML5 Boilerplate, Kimchi, Synergy, Speeqe, webvirtmgr, Otalk, OpenNode, vmux, Bicho: Bug tracking system tool analyzer, webcamjs, phpgsb, Bootstrap Application Wizard, sabre-zarafa, PHPDaemon, cassis, jsoneditoronline, Ohloh SCM, fabric.js, Movim, Ohcount, FusionPBX, openparliament, Wine, ictdialer, yaffas.org, Sardine WebDAV, Google V8 JavaScript Engine, Matisse, WebRTC-Experiment, PHP-PhantomJS, h2p, boomerang.js, reSIProcate, Gitblit, Serf - Service orchestration and management tool, Jitsi Meet, IndieAuth, LDAP Synchronization Connector (LSC), phpOIDC, Mosh (mobile shell), Known, Dual Monitor Tools, virt-manager, twbs-ratchet, innercircle, Elastic Beats, LXDE, OS.js, symbiose, ViewerJS, webpg-chrome, sjcl, webpg-firefox, oauth2-server-php, screengrab-qt, realtime-store, vis.js, Syncthing, jsxc, CamanJS, FileAPI, Open Data Kit, MasterPassword, Tanaguru, FontForge, metapolator, InfluxDB, Glyphr-Studio, Bootstrap Tour, Mautic, Jappix, PHP-JS, liblouis, Apigility, Swagger API, openHAB - empowering the smart home, Cytoscape, robotjs, diagramo, PykCharts.js, Apache JAMES Project, php-ews, PHP Desktop, SyncthingPortable, Summernote, tntsearch, Ohloh UI, mldb, deployer-php, mist.io