1 shared project The Freenet Project
1 unique project Frost
1 shared project The Freenet Project
1 shared project The Freenet Project
3 unique projects Frost, SQLite, jSite (Freenet)
1 shared project The Freenet Project
4 unique projects Mozilla Firefox, Freemail, Sone, Freenet WebOfTrust plugin
1 shared project The Freenet Project
4 unique projects GIMP, Wine, Mozilla Firefox, Freereader
1 shared project The Freenet Project
1 shared project The Freenet Project
4 unique projects Git, PEAR, FlogHelper, Arch Linux Packages
1 shared project The Freenet Project
6 unique projects Tor, ZeroNet, i2pd, GNUnet, InterPlanetary File System, I2P
1 shared project The Freenet Project
10 unique projects LibreOffice, HTTPS Everywhere, Sumatra PDF, sumatrapdf, Mozilla Firefox, Tor, KDE, Thunderbird, GnuPG, openSUSE Linux
1 shared project The Freenet Project
8 unique projects Frost, SmartIrc4net, ZensorChecker, Huffelpuff IRC Bot, IRCd.Net, FCP2 library .NET, DbLinq, Visual Nunit
1 shared project The Freenet Project
9 unique projects Psi, Apache Subversion, Apache HTTP Server, Python programming language, ejabberd, Gentoo Linux, BlueZ, Inkscape, PostgreSQL Database Server