1 shared project Extreme Tux Racer
3 unique projects Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server, Gentoo Linux, NetBeans IDE
1 shared project Extreme Tux Racer
5 unique projects Apache JAMES Postage, Apache JAMES jSPF, Apache JAMES mime4j, Apache James jSieve, Apache JAMES Project
1 shared project Extreme Tux Racer
6 unique projects MySQL, Apache JAMES mime4j, Apache James jSieve, Apache JAMES Project, Apache JAMES Postage, Apache JAMES jSPF
1 shared project GCompris
7 unique projects Mozilla Firefox, Claws Mail, Apache OpenOffice, GIMP, Debian, DokuWiki, Tux of Math Command
1 shared project Battle Tanks
7 unique projects Mozilla Firefox, zsh, Linux Kernel, GNU Compiler Collection, KDE, Apache Subversion, ScummVM
1 shared project GCompris
12 unique projects Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Linux Kernel, Debian, KDE, NTP Pool, LibreOffice, GNU GRUB, OpenSSH, GNU Screen, sudo, mutt, GNU Core Utilities
1 shared project Battle Tanks
13 unique projects UFO: Alien Invasion, Globulation 2, SpringLobby, Warzone 2100, BZFlag - Multiplayer 3D Tank Game, Atomic Tanks, Scorched 3D, Tremulous, Battle for Wesnoth, Spring RTS Engine, Vulture, FreedroidRPG, DOSBox
1 shared project Battle Tanks
16 unique projects Thousand Parsec KDE Client, OGRE, Battle for Wesnoth, WorldForge, FreeOrion, BZFlag - Multiplayer 3D Tank Game, Pingus, ScummVM, UFO: Alien Invasion, Secret Maryo Chronicles, Tremulous, Warzone 2100, Globulation 2, Teeworlds, Spring RTS Engine, OpenTTD
1 shared project Battle Tanks
13 unique projects ScummVM, OpenFrag, Danger from the Deep, Warzone 2100, Spring RTS Engine, PokerTH, OpenCDS, Freeciv, FIFE, jClassicRPG, OpenTTD, Gambit (chess game), Vega Strike