1 shared project HornetQ
2 unique projects Netty Project, Apache MINA
1 shared project HornetQ
4 unique projects cbeust's testng, The Grinder, Mozilla Firefox, JBoss Application Server
1 shared project HornetQ
11 unique projects Kubernetes, Apache ServiceMix, OpenShift Origin, docker, Apache Camel, Apache ActiveMQ, hawtio, Apache Karaf, fabric8, Rhiot, camelinaction
1 shared project HornetQ
12 unique projects Infinispan, Liferay Portal, Esper, Alfresco Content Management Community Edition, JBoss Application Server, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache ServiceMix, Apache Solr, Apache Hadoop, Apache Mahout, JBoss Drools, Mozilla Firefox
1 shared project HornetQ
12 unique projects casbah, wro4j, Wicket, Apache ActiveMQ, projectlombok, sbt, wicket-bootstrap, neo4j-scala, Play! framework, Scala, Apache Maven 3, log2es
1 shared project HornetQ
15 unique projects Log4j, jBPM, JBoss Application Server, RichFaces, JUnit, Apache Subversion, XStream, iBatis for Java, Eclipse IDE for Java, Apache Commons Lang, PostgreSQL Database Server, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, ehcache, Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler, Bash
1 shared project HornetQ
18 unique projects JUnit, Thunderbird, Apache Maven 2, Apache Subversion, Mozilla Firefox, DbUnit, Logback, MySQL, Apache Tomcat, Bash, Firebug, Apache HTTP Server, Hudson, Infinispan, Gerrit Code Review, Git, Mercurial, Arquillian
1 shared project HornetQ
73 unique projects Seam 2, TestNG-Eclipse, Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), Eclipse IDE for Java, XMLStarlet command line XML toolkit, Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server, Groovy, H2 Database Engine, Metawidget, Arquillian, Weld, JBoss Application Server, GlassFish, Mojarra, JBoss Tools, Errai Framework, Git, Mozilla Firefox, Firebug, Apache Tomcat, JUnit, Ruby, GNU Diff Utilities, MediaWiki, RubyGems, Bugzilla, GWT (formerly Google Web Toolkit), Mailman, Awestruct, TorqueBox, Apache HttpComponents Client, Compass Stylesheet Framework, Sass, Bootstrap (twbs), Jenkins, Gradle, Chromium (Google Chrome), jQuery, nginx, OpenJDK, JRuby, Hibernate Entity Manager, MySQL, M2Eclipse: Maven Integration for Eclipse, DocBook, RedCloth, Seam 3, JBoss Forge, RichFaces, IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, Blueprint, Hibernate Validator, RESTEasy, Hpricot, OCPsoft PrettyFaces, OCPsoft Rewrite, Apache HTTP Server, Apache Maven 3, Nexus, Apache DeltaSpike, Jersey, Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), Docutils, asciidoc, Apache OpenWebBeans, Thermostat Monitoring Tool, NetBeans IDE, Rake, GraphViz, RSpec, Asciidoctor, Opal (Ruby to JavaScript Compiler), Asciidoctor.js