95 shared projects Log4j, OpenSSH, Vim, Linux Kernel, Wget, Bash, GNU grep, GNU tar, sudo, Mozilla Firefox, GNU Compiler Collection, Apache HTTP Server, GNU Core Utilities, Apache Subversion, MySQL, GNU Make, GNU GRUB, X.Org, Apache OpenOffice, GIMP, PHP, OpenSSL, GNU findutils, bzip2, GNU sed, phpMyAdmin, GNU Diff Utilities, GNOME, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Samba, ImageMagick, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU C Library, GNU binutils, GNU Autoconf, cURL, Wireshark, GNU Automake, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Postfix, PostgreSQL Database Server, GNU Libtool, udev, GLib, gzip, libpng, memtest86+, libvorbis, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, GNU Parted, libogg, D-Bus, HAL, K3b, The FreeType Project, libjpeg, GStreamer, iptables, Apache Tomcat, Apache Ant, Spring Framework, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Nautilus, VI, gedit, jQuery, RPM, Chromium (Google Chrome), GNOME Terminal, Linux-PAM, F-Spot, PEAR, Zip & Unzip, GNU cpio, TinyMCE, Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server, Apache Commons Collections, Apache Commons Logging, Checkstyle, Apache Commons Lang, Commons IO, Apache Commons BeanUtils, JBoss Application Server, CentOS, Hudson, Apache Xerces2 J, Axis (Java), Axis2 (Java), Hibernate Annotations, dvdrtools, jQuery UI, Hibernate Tools, Xdebug, Android, libcurl
137 unique projects DeaDBeeF, rsync, PuTTY, VLC media player, Firebug, Python programming language, GDB, Git, FFmpeg, Wine, GTK, SQLite, Perl, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), GNU gettext, FUSE, Evince, Eclipse IDE for Java, Audacity, KDE, pkg-config, Gawk, Ghostscript, dpkg, BitTorrent, GraphViz, Clam AntiVirus, xterm, GNU Aspell, FileZilla, TortoiseSVN, Cygwin, libxml2, Doxygen, xine - a free video player, GnuTLS, Mozilla Add-ons, Bugzilla, GD, librsvg, WinSCP, PulseAudio, Linux NTFS file system support, avahi, gconf, Vuze (formerly Azureus), Blender 3D, GNOME Web (Epiphany), GKSu, DBI, Drupal (core), mod_perl, MediaWiki, Mesa, X-Chat, Qt 4, Notepad++, fontconfig, GNU nano, WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant, ACPI, Rhythmbox, Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA), LVM, Aptitude, cdrdao, KDElibs (KDE), SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy), NTFS-3G, Greasemonkey, config, Transmission, iproute2, CPAN, NTP Pool, lynx, yum, Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), Apache Maven 2, Keychain, FreeMind, gnuplot, YSlow, ProFTPD, DHCP (ISC), NetBeans IDE, Prototype Javascript Framework, mcrypt, script.aculo.us, FreeBSD, M2Eclipse: Maven Integration for Eclipse, GNU gnulib, OpenJDK, Eclipse Ant Plugin, Bazaar, Maven Plugins, XAMPP, nautilus-sendto, CKeditor WYSIWYG editor, Apache Derby, GlassFish, Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT), Zend Framework, PHPUnit, PHPEclipse, KeePass, Drupal (contributions), MantisBT, Subversive, ack, FreeBSD Ports, Request Tracker, CDT (Eclipse), HtmlUnit, javacc, Spring IDE, FirePHP, mod_python, SVNKit, Revelation, Arch Linux, Tcl/Tk, Pacman, Arch Linux Packages, AUR, Synaptic Package Manager, MusicBrainz Server, InfraRecorder, PyDev, RapidSVN, TWiki, FireFTP, EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration, pecl_svn, Ubercart, UMLet, OntoWiki
58 shared projects Log4j, Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, Chromium (Google Chrome), jQuery, phpMyAdmin, Apache Ant, GLib, Spring Framework, Apache Commons Collections, OpenSSL, GNU Make, Nmap Security Scanner, Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server, Apache OpenOffice, FindBugs, GNU findutils, sudo, Commons IO, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Bash, GIMP, Thunderbird, Apache Commons Logging, GNU tar, Vim, X.Org, GNU Core Utilities, ImageMagick, Checkstyle, Samba, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Apache Commons Lang, GNU grep, GNU GRUB, bzip2, Wget, GNOME, GNU sed, Apache Commons BeanUtils, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Screen, GNU Diff Utilities, Wireshark, GNU C Library, cURL, GNU binutils, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, gzip, tcpdump, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Postfix, udev, Trac, GNU Libtool, memtest86+, GNU Parted
26 unique projects WinSCP, Notepad++, WordPress, Eclipse IDE for Java, JUnit, Apache Maven 2, Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), rsync, Git, GTK, Python programming language, MPlayer, GDB, Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler, GnuPG, FFmpeg, Wine, SQLite, Inkscape, LaTeX, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), CVS: Concurrent Versions System, FUSE, Audacity, GNU gettext, Evince
54 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, phpMyAdmin, Bash, GNU GRUB, GNU sed, ImageMagick, MySQL, Apache Subversion, OpenSSH, GNU Make, GNU findutils, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU binutils, GNU Autoconf, Nautilus, PHP, GNU grep, Wget, sudo, GNOME, GNU C Library, GNU Libtool, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), GIMP, tcpdump, Linux Kernel, Vim, GNU Compiler Collection, X.Org, Apache HTTP Server, Postfix, PostgreSQL Database Server, memtest86+, libogg, GNU Core Utilities, bzip2, Wireshark, GNU Automake, udev, libpng, Oracle VM VirtualBox, The FreeType Project, GNU tar, OpenSSL, Thunderbird, cURL, Nmap Security Scanner, GLib, GNU Parted, iptables, gzip, VI, libjpeg, D-Bus
19 unique projects GDB, FFmpeg, SQLite, GNU gettext, xterm, GnuPG, OpenVPN, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), pkg-config, GTK, Git, GnuTLS, Mozilla Add-ons, libxml2, mutt, FUSE, Gawk, Audacity, GNU Aspell
50 shared projects sudo, GNU C Library, GNU Automake, libvorbis, D-Bus, Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, GNU Core Utilities, OpenSSL, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), ImageMagick, GNU Libtool, tcpdump, libpng, Apache HTTP Server, Linux Kernel, bzip2, GNU sed, Vim, GNU binutils, MySQL, PHP, GNU tar, GNU GRUB, GNU Compiler Collection, Wireshark, libjpeg, Bash, GNU Screen, GNU Diff Utilities, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, libogg, memtest86+, X.Org, GNU Make, GNU findutils, Wget, OpenSSH, The FreeType Project, GNU Autoconf, udev, Nmap Security Scanner, GLib, cURL, Postfix, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, GNU Parted, HAL
14 unique projects FUSE, GTK, GnuTLS, GnuPG, Firebug, rsync, Gawk, fontconfig, GDB, GNU gettext, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), FFmpeg, pkg-config, GNU Aspell
57 shared projects MySQL, GNU grep, OpenSSL, GNU Libtool, libvorbis, ImageMagick, bzip2, memtest86+, Mozilla Firefox, GNU GRUB, GNU Automake, Apache HTTP Server, GNU Make, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSH, PHP, Bash, D-Bus, Totem, Apache OpenOffice, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, GIMP, X.Org, GNU C Library, GNU Parted, GNU Compiler Collection, libjpeg, Nmap Security Scanner, Wireshark, GNU Core Utilities, GNU sed, libogg, Vim, Samba, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), libpng, Wget, Postfix, The FreeType Project, GNU Diff Utilities, HAL, NetworkManager, Apache Subversion, sudo, GNU Screen, cURL, Linux Kernel, GNU tar, GNU binutils, Thunderbird, udev, GNU findutils, tcpdump, GLib, GNU Autoconf, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder)
27 unique projects GnuTLS, GraphViz, rdesktop, DejaVu fonts, GNU Aspell, GTK, Ghostscript, Python programming language, MPlayer, BusyBox, rsync, librsvg, GnuPG, Apache SpamAssassin, Pango, PuTTY, xine - a free video player, Gawk, GDB, Mailman, pkg-config, Clam AntiVirus, fontconfig, FFmpeg, Cairo, Perl, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)
44 shared projects Apache Subversion, Thunderbird, GNU sed, Vim, Nmap Security Scanner, Mozilla Firefox, MySQL, GNU Core Utilities, GNU GRUB, GNU binutils, Apache HTTP Server, PHP, GIMP, X.Org, Wget, GNU C Library, Apache OpenOffice, phpMyAdmin, GNU tar, Bash, GNU grep, sudo, Linux Kernel, bzip2, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Automake, GNU Make, udev, OpenSSH, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Samba, OpenSSL, GNU findutils, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), PostgreSQL Database Server, GNOME, GNU Diff Utilities, ImageMagick, cURL, GNU Autoconf, Wireshark, tcpdump, Postfix
8 unique projects Firebug, LiVES, PuTTY, rsync, GDB, MPlayer, FFmpeg, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)
72 shared projects Log4j, Vaadin, Apache Tomcat, Apache Ant, Spring Framework, Apache Subversion, Mozilla Firefox, MySQL, Apache OpenOffice, Bash, Thunderbird, Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server, GIMP, sudo, GNU tar, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, Vim, Wget, GNU Make, OpenSSH, OpenSSL, GNU GRUB, GNOME, Samba, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Wireshark, PostgreSQL Database Server, Apache Commons Logging, Apache Commons Collections, GNU Automake, Apache Commons Lang, Checkstyle, FindBugs, Commons IO, Apache Commons BeanUtils, HyperSQL Database Engine, Apache HttpComponents Client, Lucene, ehcache, Apache POI, Apache JMeter, Axis (Java), Apache Xerces2 J, JFreeChart, Axis2 (Java), iText ®, a JAVA-PDF library, Hibernate Annotations, AspectJ, JasperReports Library, Apache ActiveMQ, Hibernate Entity Manager, jQuery, gzip, Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), Apache FOP, Hibernate Tools, DbUnit, Chromium (Google Chrome), K3b, Oracle VM VirtualBox, memtest86+, VI, Nautilus, gedit, GNU Parted, CXF, Hibernate Validator, Apache Batik, GNOME Terminal, RPM, ASM
82 unique projects JUnit, Apache Maven 2, Firebug, Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), PuTTY, TortoiseSVN, VLC media player, GnuPG, Python programming language, FileZilla, FFmpeg, GTK, Perl, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler, WinSCP, Cygwin, Notepad++, Acegi Security System for Spring, NetBeans IDE, Velocity, XStream, dom4j: flexible XML framework for Java, Groovy, Eclipse Ant Plugin, Apache Commons FileUpload, Vuze (formerly Azureus), Apache Derby, KDE, Joda Time, SQuirreL SQL Client, GlassFish, OpenJDK, OpenVPN, Bouncy Castle, Dojo Toolkit, xterm, pgAdmin III, script.aculo.us, TortoiseCVS, Apache Jackrabbit, springmodules, OpenLDAP, Ghostscript, Evince, Mozilla Add-ons, rdesktop, jEdit, FreeMarker, Apache Continuum, GNU Emacs, HtmlUnit, Subversive, YSlow, Clam AntiVirus, Apache Struts, Dia, Grails, Apache ORO, Qt 4, Direct Web Remoting, ANTLR, Mozilla Rhino, Wicket, Seam 2, Cargo, iBatis for Java, Apache Archiva, Evolution, jBPM, Compiz Reloaded, metacity, Mesa, Kate (KDE), Fedora Packages, Transmission, jaxen, Meld, DBI, Tomboy, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, mod_perl
66 shared projects Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Apache Subversion, phpMyAdmin, Bash, Linux Kernel, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, sudo, GIMP, GNU tar, Vim, OpenSSL, Thunderbird, GNU Diff Utilities, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Screen, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Autoconf, X.Org, OpenSSH, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, GNU findutils, bzip2, GNOME, GNU sed, Samba, ImageMagick, Wireshark, Mozilla Firefox, GNU C Library, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU binutils, cURL, GNU Automake, gzip, tcpdump, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), PostgreSQL Database Server, Postfix, udev, GNU Libtool, Trac, GLib, GNU Parted, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, memtest86+, libvorbis, libpng, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, D-Bus, libogg, K3b, Oracle VM VirtualBox, NetworkManager, libjpeg, HAL, The FreeType Project, iptables, GStreamer, Nautilus
48 unique projects Firebug, PuTTY, MPlayer, Debian, GTK, LaTeX, VLC media player, rsync, Python programming language, GnuPG, Git, GDB, FFmpeg, Wine, SQLite, Perl, Inkscape, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), Eclipse IDE for Java, Audacity, FileZilla, GNU gettext, FUSE, Evince, Apache SpamAssassin, dpkg, Adblock Plus, Valgrind, Gawk, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, KDE, Ghostscript, TortoiseSVN, pkg-config, BitTorrent, xterm, WordPress, GraphViz, OpenVPN, Amarok, WinSCP, Clam AntiVirus, Cygwin, irssi, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), Doxygen, MediaWiki, mutt
49 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, GNU grep, ImageMagick, GNU Automake, libjpeg, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), GNU Diff Utilities, The FreeType Project, PHP, Wget, GNU binutils, GNU findutils, Apache Subversion, OpenSSL, Apache HTTP Server, GNU C Library, libogg, MySQL, bzip2, Nmap Security Scanner, D-Bus, Bash, GNU Screen, libpng, Postfix, Apache OpenOffice, libvorbis, Linux Kernel, GNU tar, GIMP, GNU Compiler Collection, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), sudo, GNU sed, X.Org, GNU Autoconf, GNU Core Utilities, GNU GRUB, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, GNU Make, GLib, OpenSSH, Samba, GNU Libtool, Wireshark, udev, GNU Parted, HAL, memtest86+
16 unique projects Blender 3D, LuxRender, blasterclient, FUSE, Wine, GTK, FFmpeg, pkg-config, GnuPG, GDB, MPlayer, Evince, GNU gettext, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), WordPress, YafaRay
45 shared projects X.Org, Wireshark, GNU Automake, GNU Core Utilities, libogg, Apache Subversion, udev, Wget, libjpeg, GNU C Library, OpenSSH, Apache OpenOffice, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Apache HTTP Server, Samba, GNU Autoconf, Postfix, GLib, PHP, GNU tar, GNU sed, GNU Diff Utilities, Mozilla Firefox, Bash, Linux Kernel, MySQL, OpenSSL, GIMP, GNU GRUB, GNU binutils, libvorbis, GNU grep, sudo, tcpdump, GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU findutils, bzip2, GNU Screen, Vim, cURL, libpng, ImageMagick, Nmap Security Scanner, The FreeType Project
11 unique projects Gawk, TortoiseSVN, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), rsync, GTK, GnuPG, PuTTY, FFmpeg, LaTeX, MPlayer, pkg-config
49 shared projects Postfix, Bash, GNU Compiler Collection, Mozilla Firefox, GNU Make, Linux Kernel, GNU findutils, Apache HTTP Server, GNOME, Apache Subversion, sudo, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), GNU GRUB, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Core Utilities, MySQL, PHP, X.Org, GIMP, Samba, GNU Screen, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU sed, libvorbis, GNU Automake, libogg, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), ImageMagick, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU binutils, GLib, OpenSSL, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, udev, libpng, memtest86+, HAL, Thunderbird, Wget, bzip2, Apache OpenOffice, GNU Autoconf, GNU C Library, GNU Libtool, GNU Diff Utilities, libjpeg, The FreeType Project, D-Bus
15 unique projects MPlayer, rsync, GTK, Python programming language, Wine, Blender 3D, irssi, GNU gettext, pkg-config, MediaWiki, Gentoo Linux, FFmpeg, Evince, Gawk, Drupal (core)
57 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, phpMyAdmin, sudo, Mozilla Firefox, GNU binutils, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Linux Kernel, GIMP, OpenSSL, GNU findutils, tcpdump, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Apache Subversion, Apache OpenOffice, GNU tar, GNU C Library, Postfix, GNU Libtool, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Bash, GNU Make, GNU GRUB, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Core Utilities, GNU grep, OpenSSH, GNU Screen, Thunderbird, PostgreSQL Database Server, Wget, GNU sed, GNU Autoconf, X.Org, Vim, Trac, ImageMagick, Nmap Security Scanner, Wireshark, bzip2, GNOME, Samba, libvorbis, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), GNU Diff Utilities, GNU Automake, gzip, libpng, cURL, libogg, K3b, udev, GNU Parted, memtest86+, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools
33 unique projects GTK, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), Eclipse IDE for Java, Yet Another Forum.NET, PuTTY, MPlayer, Python programming language, FFmpeg, SQLite, GNU gettext, Adblock Plus, Apache SpamAssassin, Git, GDB, Inkscape, Perl, FileZilla, Firebug, TortoiseSVN, VLC media player, Debian, rsync, GnuPG, Wine, LaTeX, KDE, FUSE, Valgrind, Ghostscript, Audacity, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, dpkg, Gawk