20 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, Git, X.Org, GNU GRUB, GNU Core Utilities, Bash, Linux Kernel, sudo, MySQL, Apache Subversion, Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, X-Chat, Apache OpenOffice, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Python programming language, GNOME, Evince, Rhythmbox, Transmission
14 unique projects Debian, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Screen, GNU tar, GnuPG, GNU grep, PostgreSQL Database Server, OpenSSL, Trac, GNU sed, Chromium (Google Chrome), LaTeX, Mercurial, omcbp
21 shared projects Linux Kernel, Bash, X.Org, sudo, GNOME, GNU nano, Transmission, Wine, X-Chat, Python programming language, gedit, GNU Core Utilities, Compiz Reloaded, GNU GRUB, Mozilla Firefox, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Oracle VM VirtualBox, Thunderbird, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU C Library, Git
15 unique projects bzip2, GNU Make, GNU grep, NetworkManager, gzip, VLC media player, GnuPG, dpkg, Nautilus, GIMP, lighttpd, GNU tar, Eye of GNOME, gThumb image viewer and browser, Bazaar
27 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, X.Org, GNU Core Utilities, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Oracle VM VirtualBox, Apache Subversion, GNU Compiler Collection, MySQL, Apache OpenOffice, Linux Kernel, Bash, sudo, GNU GRUB, X-Chat, GNOME, Thunderbird, Evince, GNU C Library, Wireshark, GTK, Git, metacity, gedit, Rhythmbox, Pango, Evolution, Mozilla Add-ons
31 unique projects Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Apache HTTP Server, PHP, GIMP, GNU grep, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), Apache SpamAssassin, phpMyAdmin, Samba, GNU tar, Trac, GNU Make, OpenSSH, Wget, GStreamer, F-Spot, WordPress, VLC media player, Totem, GNU gettext, Fedora Localization Project, MediaWiki, Nautilus, DejaVu fonts, Sound Juicer, Eye of GNOME, Bugzilla, Fedora Packages, Fedora Account System, Transifex, LXDE
20 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, sudo, Apache OpenOffice, Bash, X.Org, GNU GRUB, Linux Kernel, GNU Compiler Collection, GNOME, metacity, GNU Core Utilities, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), PulseAudio, GTK, Evince, X-Chat, gedit, Audacity, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Transmission
15 unique projects udev, Gawk, OpenSSH, VLC media player, Wget, NetworkManager, GNU grep, FFmpeg, Nautilus, Vim, GNU findutils, GStreamer, Totem, Adblock Plus, mtr
12 shared projects Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Linux Kernel, Thunderbird, GNU GRUB, Mozilla Firefox, X.Org, GNOME, Apache Subversion, Apache OpenOffice, Eclipse IDE for Java, sudo, GNU nano
20 shared projects MySQL, Apache OpenOffice, Mozilla Firefox, GNU C Library, Bash, Linux Kernel, GNU GRUB, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), sudo, Audacity, Wine, gedit, Evince, metacity, Rhythmbox, Compiz Reloaded, GNOME Web (Epiphany), GNOME, Apache Subversion, GNU Compiler Collection
19 unique projects TortoiseSVN, Inkscape, MediaWiki, phpMyAdmin, memtest86+, GIMP, Apache HTTP Server, FFmpeg, BitTorrent, Nautilus, Totem, gThumb image viewer and browser, K3b, GStreamer, Eye of GNOME, GKSu, Clam AntiVirus, phpBB Forum Software, PHP
11 shared projects Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Mozilla Firefox, GNOME, Apache OpenOffice, Linux Kernel, Apache Subversion, X.Org, Audacity, Evolution, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Eclipse IDE for Java
2 unique projects skype4pidgin, GIMP
29 shared projects Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU C Library, GTK, GLib, Linux Kernel, sudo, GNU Core Utilities, Mozilla Firefox, GNOME, Apache OpenOffice, Bash, GNU Compiler Collection, Apache Subversion, X.Org, GNU GRUB, SQLite, Transmission, Wine, MySQL, Cairo, Eclipse IDE for Java, Audacity, Git, Python programming language, Oracle VM VirtualBox, PulseAudio, GNOME Terminal, GNU nano, Compiz Reloaded
51 unique projects Facebook Plugin for Pidgin, GNU Autoconf, rsync, GNU binutils, pkg-config, Bazaar, GNU sed, Claws Mail, Inkscape, GNU grep, memtest86+, Apache HTTP Server, GDB, bzip2, GNU Screen, GNU Make, GNU findutils, GNU Automake, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, gzip, Wget, OpenSSH, GnuPG, MPlayer, GNU Libtool, GNU tar, GNU Diff Utilities, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU gettext, FFmpeg, FUSE, PHP, PuTTY, GNU Aspell, NetworkManager, DejaVu fonts, TortoiseSVN, phpMyAdmin, Firebug, FileZilla, irssi, WordPress, Gentoo Linux, MediaWiki, Cygwin, Bugzilla, jQuery, file, WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant, lm-sensors, Keychain
22 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, sudo, GTK, GNU nano, MySQL, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Bash, X.Org, GNU Core Utilities, Linux Kernel, Apache OpenOffice, GNU GRUB, GNOME, GNOME Terminal, Wine, Python programming language, Oracle VM VirtualBox, SQLite, Compiz Reloaded, metacity, Evolution, Transmission
28 unique projects Apache HTTP Server, GIMP, Aptitude, PHP, Inkscape, phpMyAdmin, MPlayer, GNU grep, GNU tar, Wget, GNU Make, ImageMagick, rsync, Adblock Plus, Samba, VLC media player, GNU gettext, Doxygen, GStreamer, WordPress, ZSNES, Nautilus, Compiz Fusion, DOSBox, Tomboy, Bazaar, Glade User Interface Designer, Pyjama: Python Jamendo Audio
29 shared projects Linux Kernel, Mozilla Firefox, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, sudo, Apache OpenOffice, Bash, GNU GRUB, GNOME, Thunderbird, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Python programming language, GNU C Library, Wine, GTK, Git, SQLite, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Audacity, Evince, Mozilla Add-ons, gedit, Rhythmbox, PulseAudio, Evolution, Compiz Reloaded, GNOME Terminal, GNOME Web (Epiphany), Transmission
55 unique projects aria2, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU Make, Wget, GIMP, OpenSSL, OpenSSH, bzip2, VLC media player, MPlayer, GnuPG, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Debian, Inkscape, cURL, FFmpeg, Perl, PostgreSQL Database Server, KDE, FileZilla, Adblock Plus, gzip, K3b, Amarok, udev, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, GNU Parted, libvorbis, libpng, libogg, dpkg, Apache SpamAssassin, BitTorrent, Ghostscript, WordPress, Clam AntiVirus, Totem, GStreamer, Nautilus, Notepad++, iptables, Chromium (Google Chrome), Linux NTFS file system support, Aptitude, gThumb image viewer and browser, Greasemonkey, mplayerplug-in for mozilla, F-Spot, Tomboy, Eye of GNOME, Compiz Fusion, Sound Juicer, Liferea, KTorrent
22 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, Linux Kernel, Bash, GNU Core Utilities, GNOME, GTK, X.Org, sudo, Git, GNU GRUB, MySQL, X-Chat, GNU C Library, GLib, Oracle VM VirtualBox, SQLite, Pango, Evince, Mozilla Firefox, Rhythmbox, GNOME Terminal, Transmission
29 unique projects GObject introspection, gjs, Vim, GNOME Shell, GDB, GNU grep, GNU Make, QGit, GNU binutils, FFmpeg, GNU gettext, GNU Bison, Wget, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU Autoconf, Valgrind, GNU Automake, GNU Libtool, Inkscape, strace, pkg-config, gzip, Nautilus, D-Bus, Glade User Interface Designer, GStreamer, libxml2, Totem, Bugzilla
22 shared projects MySQL, Linux Kernel, Bash, Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, sudo, GNU GRUB, Thunderbird, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Python programming language, Git, GTK, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Core Utilities, GNOME, Wine, SQLite, Eclipse IDE for Java, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Audacity, Evince
28 unique projects Apache HTTP Server, FFmpeg, Inkscape, Perl, gzip, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, FUSE, libvorbis, GNU grep, GIMP, Wget, GNU findutils, VLC media player, GNU sed, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), MPlayer, Samba, Debian, cURL, PHP, GNU tar, Vim, GNU Make, LaTeX, PostgreSQL Database Server, FileZilla, GNU Parted, Cheetah: Python-Powered Template Engine