1 shared project Jailkit
311 unique projects Log4j, Greasemonkey, CakePHP, PHP Beautifier, Shorewall, GNOME, Trac, UltraVNC, VLC media player, Debian, ERP5, AWStats Log Analyzer, SSHTools, ]project-open[, GanttProject, Smarty, jMaki, FreeBSD, Vuze (formerly Azureus), Snort, cURL, Lasso, HeidiSQL, PEAR, Textpattern, WikkaWiki, GIMP, BZFlag - Multiplayer 3D Tank Game, Cyberduck, mailx, Docutils, phpMyAdmin, TortoiseSVN, Thunderbird, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Apache Tomcat, Firebug, Bugzilla, Git, Tcl/Tk, TaskJuggler, php-mode, OpenACS, OpenVPN, NetOffice, FreeMind, Cerb, AOLserver, FreeMarker, Hobo, X.Org, GNU tar, Projectfork, Camping, Celestia, GNU findutils, rsync, OpenSSL, lighttpd, Apache Lenya, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Dovecot, GKSu, FVWM, KStars, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), sudo, GNU Make, DOSBox, FreeSBIE, Postfix, Wifidog, MyDNS, phpPgAdmin, RubyGems, zsh, OpenLDAP, Ruby, m0n0wall, Umbrello UML Modeller, Cygwin, TortoiseCVS, Ghostscript, Nagios, GNU Screen, Samba, xine - a free video player, Squid Cache, libxslt, GeSHi, PHPEclipse, Akelos PHP Framework, Symfony, FreeTTS, qooxdoo, Nmap Security Scanner, Mercurial, GNOME Orca, pgAdmin III, OpenBSD, XFree86, Geeklog, AROUNDMe, PuTTY, SystemRescueCd, OpenJFX, BetterAWStats, Quagga Routing Suite, Cacti, Zenoss, sawmill, OpenLink Virtuoso (Open-Source Edition), jPGAdmin, Lazarus, Kiwix, Freeciv, Scorched 3D, Second Life Viewer, Stellarium, WarMUX (formerly known as Wormux), FUSE, HelenOS, SpagoBI, PearPC - PowerPC Emulator, Dia, Sonata, Ampache, MPD, Hugin, enblend, Panorama Tools, TYPO3 CMS, Bazaar, Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), Blender 3D, Blender Scripts, WikkaCase, GnuPG, Zinf: Zinf is not FreeA*p!, Totem, openQRM, phpDocumentor, jUploadr, renrot, OTRS, Work Request Management System, SIRIOS, Ruby on Rails, SeaMonkey, Ganglia, SugarCRM, GWT (formerly Google Web Toolkit), SquirrelMail, Munin, Request Tracker, Galeon, TinyMCE, SoX - Sound eXchange, Frost, Mule Community Edition, Smart Cache Loader, Tor, MythBuntu, tclhttpd, Apache MyFaces, WSUnit - The Web Services Testing Tool, WYMeditor, The Coolest DHTML Calendar, Tacos - Tapestry Components, argos, Dnsmasq, c-ares, XAMPP, Apache mod_ftp, karma mvc framework, apollo, Tspell Turkish NLP Library, Mobile Remote Control, Apache JMeter, SilverStripe, LinuxMCE, Syllable operating system family, Tango Desktop Project, Simple Invoices, Yate, xvidcap, x11vnc, Istanbul, VI, cobbler, IzPack, h3270, Smart and Simple Web Crawler, Orbeon Forms, XOOPS Cube, Melati, XForms, eXo Platform, Lutece, hipergate, Gourmet, Apache Cocoon, KVM, Wine, eZ publish, Velocity, Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processor, Apache FOP, La Nai CMS, Liferay Portal, Ubercart, FireStats, Drupal (contributions), OpenSSH, Drupal (core), Drake, Google Sitemaps Generator for WordPress, Heritrix: Internet Archive Web Crawler, htDig2, RapidSVN, Subversive, pecl_svn, SVN Statistika, TrackIt, Apache Ant, Evince, OpenReports, JGoodies Forms, Clam AntiVirus, inoclam, Gateway Anti-Virus, GNU Mailutils, Powl, OntoWiki, OxygenOffice Professional, dbclient, Phing, Apache Geronimo, Privoxy, Big brother (the other one), OpenNMS, GlassFish, MythTV, TestNG, CentOS, RRDtool, Yum-utils, HyperSQL Database Engine, H2 Database Engine, H2O Template engine, CinePaint, Synfig, Battle Tanks, DBI, CSSTidy, Sarissa, MonetDB, unixODBC, iODBC, Remote Application Platform, Java Webtops, Big Sister, Facter, uranos, nut, PHPSpec, VC Aperture, GNUnet, KDiff3, TkDiff, GNU Diff Utilities, gdiff-ext, Kompare (KDE), kdiff-ext, VHCS - Virtual Hosting Control System, LemonLDAP webSSO, Dream, Restlet Framework, Confluencer, VIP - VIM Integration for PHP, PHP Documentation Translations, apache007, mobileOK Basic Checker, OpenWrt, Rockbox, Testlink, benerator, Selenium, Selenium-ide, Windmill, UMLet, Epsilon, LinkChecker, Launchpad.net, DSpace, JGraph Diagram Component, Elastic Grid, AppScale, Eucalyptus, Ohloh SCM, Ohcount, Avogadro, codeminer, Crystal Space 3D, Moonlight|3D, Ardor3D, Processing, Stendhal, Kaltura Community Edition (Kaltura CE), Sphinx documentation builder, GlusterFS