47 shared projects TortoiseSVN, sudo, Apache Subversion, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, GNU GRUB, GnuPG, GTK, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, X.Org, OpenSSH, Mozilla Firefox, GNU Compiler Collection, MPlayer, PHP, GNU Make, Firebug, phpMyAdmin, GNU findutils, Wine, gzip, GNU Libtool, FUSE, PuTTY, bzip2, Bash, Linux Kernel, rsync, GNU Screen, Inkscape, GLib, Apache OpenOffice, GNU sed, Python programming language, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU binutils, GNU Automake, memtest86+, GNU grep, GNU Autoconf, GNU gettext, GNU C Library, Audacity, FFmpeg, SQLite
13 unique projects Samba, Wireshark, OpenSSL, Thunderbird, Perl, libpng, VLC media player, LaTeX, udev, GIMP, GNU Parted, ImageMagick, cURL
55 shared projects GNU grep, Apache HTTP Server, GNU tar, Bash, Apache Subversion, OpenSSH, Inkscape, PHP, GNU sed, GNU Diff Utilities, GDB, Linux Kernel, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNOME, GNU C Library, Mozilla Firefox, MySQL, sudo, Git, FFmpeg, Apache OpenOffice, GNU Make, Wget, GNU findutils, GNU Screen, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Core Utilities, Firebug, bzip2, GNU Autoconf, Wine, GNU GRUB, rsync, PuTTY, phpMyAdmin, MPlayer, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU binutils, Python programming language, Cygwin, GNU Automake, GTK, FUSE, gzip, memtest86+, Audacity, MediaWiki, TortoiseSVN, FileZilla, irssi, NetworkManager, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Gentoo Linux, jQuery
30 unique projects Samba, Wireshark, ImageMagick, Adblock Plus, OpenSSL, Vim, udev, gedit, VLC media player, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), GIMP, Nmap Security Scanner, VI, cURL, tcpdump, Postfix, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, libvorbis, Gawk, Doxygen, Mozilla Add-ons, Nautilus, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), BitTorrent, WinSCP, iptables, mutt, pywebkitgtk, Arch-Linux, Arch Linux
51 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, Apache OpenOffice, Firebug, PHP, Apache Subversion, phpMyAdmin, Bash, Linux Kernel, PuTTY, GNU grep, sudo, GNU tar, X.Org, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, OpenSSH, Wget, GNU findutils, rsync, bzip2, GNU Screen, GNU sed, GNOME, GnuPG, GNU Diff Utilities, Python programming language, GNU C Library, GDB, GNU gettext, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), MPlayer, GNU binutils, GNU Autoconf, Git, GNU Automake, FFmpeg, GTK, Wine, SQLite, Inkscape, GNU Libtool, GLib, FUSE, gzip, pkg-config, Oracle VM VirtualBox
23 unique projects GIMP, Vim, OpenSSL, VLC media player, Thunderbird, Samba, ImageMagick, Perl, udev, libpng, Debian, cURL, Wireshark, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Postfix, Evince, D-Bus, libogg, dpkg, Screenlets, Gawk, Empathy
58 shared projects pkg-config, WordPress, TortoiseSVN, Oracle VM VirtualBox, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, FileZilla, GNU gettext, memtest86+, GLib, Audacity, FUSE, GNU Libtool, Eclipse IDE for Java, gzip, GTK, Inkscape, GNU Automake, FFmpeg, Wine, SQLite, GNU Autoconf, GDB, GNU binutils, GNU C Library, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), MPlayer, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GnuPG, Python programming language, GNU Diff Utilities, GNOME, GNU sed, Git, GNU Screen, bzip2, rsync, GNU findutils, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, Wget, GNU Core Utilities, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSH, GNU tar, Apache OpenOffice, sudo, GNU grep, PuTTY, Linux Kernel, Bash, phpMyAdmin, Firebug, PHP, Apache Subversion, MySQL, Apache HTTP Server, Mozilla Firefox
39 unique projects Homebrew, Ruby Jekyll, TensorFlow, OpenVPN, K3b, D-Bus, Ghostscript, libogg, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, Valgrind, Apache SpamAssassin, libvorbis, KDE, Gawk, Trac, libpng, Evince, GNU Parted, dpkg, Adblock Plus, udev, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Postfix, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), PostgreSQL Database Server, tcpdump, LaTeX, Perl, Nmap Security Scanner, Wireshark, cURL, Debian, ImageMagick, Samba, Thunderbird, OpenSSL, VLC media player, Vim
62 shared projects Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Apache Subversion, Firebug, phpMyAdmin, Bash, Linux Kernel, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, sudo, PuTTY, GNU tar, GNU Diff Utilities, MPlayer, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GTK, GNU Compiler Collection, rsync, GNU Screen, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Python programming language, GNU Autoconf, X.Org, OpenSSH, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, GNU findutils, bzip2, GNOME, GNU sed, GnuPG, Git, GDB, Mozilla Firefox, GNU C Library, GNU binutils, FFmpeg, GNU Automake, Wine, SQLite, Inkscape, gzip, Eclipse IDE for Java, Audacity, GNU Libtool, FileZilla, GNU gettext, GLib, FUSE, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, memtest86+, TortoiseSVN, pkg-config, Oracle VM VirtualBox, WordPress, NetworkManager, Cygwin, irssi, MediaWiki
52 unique projects GIMP, Vim, OpenSSL, Thunderbird, Debian, LaTeX, VLC media player, Samba, ImageMagick, Wireshark, Nmap Security Scanner, cURL, Perl, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), tcpdump, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), PostgreSQL Database Server, Postfix, udev, Trac, GNU Parted, Evince, libvorbis, Apache SpamAssassin, dpkg, libpng, Adblock Plus, Valgrind, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, Gawk, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, KDE, Ghostscript, D-Bus, libogg, K3b, BitTorrent, xterm, GraphViz, OpenVPN, libjpeg, HAL, The FreeType Project, Amarok, WinSCP, Clam AntiVirus, iptables, GStreamer, Nautilus, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), Doxygen, mutt
55 shared projects GNU sed, Mozilla Firefox, Linux Kernel, PuTTY, Bash, GNOME, Apache Subversion, GNU grep, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU binutils, X.Org, TortoiseSVN, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU GRUB, GNU tar, sudo, Wget, GNU Make, GNU Core Utilities, gzip, pkg-config, Gentoo Linux, Apache OpenOffice, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, OpenSSH, PHP, GNU findutils, bzip2, rsync, GnuPG, Firebug, phpMyAdmin, MPlayer, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Diff Utilities, GDB, Python programming language, GNU C Library, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, GTK, Wine, Git, FFmpeg, Inkscape, SQLite, GNU Libtool, GNU gettext, GLib, FUSE, Audacity, memtest86+, file, Cygwin
31 unique projects XBill-NG, ReactOS, Vim, GIMP, Thunderbird, VLC media player, MantisBT, KDE, Pygame, OpenSSL, ImageMagick, cURL, Perl, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Trac, udev, libvorbis, libpng, Evince, Desert, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, D-Bus, WebKit, libogg, GNU Parted, Apache SpamAssassin, Mercurial, phpBB Forum Software, BusyBox, PAPTCHA
57 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin, Firebug, Bash, Linux Kernel, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, PuTTY, sudo, GNU tar, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Core Utilities, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, Wget, OpenSSH, GNU findutils, rsync, bzip2, GNU Screen, GNU sed, GnuPG, MPlayer, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Diff Utilities, GNOME, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GDB, GNU binutils, GNU C Library, GNU Autoconf, Python programming language, GNU Automake, GTK, FFmpeg, Git, GNU gettext, Wine, GNU Libtool, FUSE, SQLite, Inkscape, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, WordPress, Eclipse IDE for Java, GLib, TortoiseSVN, Audacity, gzip, irssi, FileZilla, Cygwin
41 unique projects GIMP, Vim, OpenSSL, Thunderbird, VLC media player, Samba, ImageMagick, Nmap Security Scanner, Debian, cURL, Wireshark, libvorbis, Perl, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), Apache SpamAssassin, tcpdump, Valgrind, Gawk, GnuTLS, xterm, Postfix, PostgreSQL Database Server, udev, Ghostscript, GraphViz, Amarok, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), The FreeType Project, Doxygen, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Trac, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, libpng, KDE, dpkg, OpenVPN, BitTorrent, mutt, Adblock Plus, WinSCP, Mailman
55 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, GTK, Eclipse IDE for Java, phpMyAdmin, sudo, Mozilla Firefox, GNU binutils, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Linux Kernel, PuTTY, GNU findutils, MPlayer, Python programming language, FFmpeg, SQLite, GNU gettext, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Apache Subversion, Apache OpenOffice, GNU tar, Git, GNU C Library, GDB, GNU Libtool, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Inkscape, FileZilla, Firebug, Bash, GNU Make, GNU GRUB, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Core Utilities, GNU grep, OpenSSH, GNU Screen, TortoiseSVN, Wget, GNU sed, GNU Autoconf, X.Org, bzip2, GNOME, rsync, GnuPG, Wine, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU Automake, gzip, FUSE, Audacity, memtest86+, Oracle VM VirtualBox
35 unique projects BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), Yet Another Forum.NET, GIMP, OpenSSL, tcpdump, Adblock Plus, Apache SpamAssassin, Postfix, Perl, Thunderbird, PostgreSQL Database Server, Vim, Trac, VLC media player, ImageMagick, Nmap Security Scanner, Wireshark, Samba, Debian, libvorbis, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), LaTeX, libpng, cURL, KDE, libogg, K3b, udev, GNU Parted, Valgrind, Ghostscript, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, dpkg, Gawk, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools
56 shared projects TortoiseSVN, GNU C Library, Mozilla Firefox, Linux Kernel, Apache Subversion, PuTTY, MySQL, Firebug, Apache HTTP Server, sudo, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, GDB, GNU gettext, Bash, MPlayer, Python programming language, GNU grep, Apache OpenOffice, pkg-config, PHP, GNU GRUB, GNU sed, Git, MediaWiki, phpMyAdmin, GNU tar, GNU Make, FFmpeg, SQLite, GNU Libtool, FUSE, DejaVu fonts, OpenSSH, bzip2, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU binutils, memtest86+, NetworkManager, GTK, GNU findutils, GNU Aspell, rsync, GnuPG, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Automake, gzip, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Audacity, GNU Screen, GNOME, GNU Autoconf, GLib, WordPress
42 unique projects GIMP, Vim, Ghostscript, dpkg, GnuTLS, libvorbis, Mozilla Add-ons, Thunderbird, Wireshark, Debian, libogg, xine - a free video player, Nmap Security Scanner, Valgrind, Totem, LaTeX, udev, Trac, HAL, BitTorrent, Mesa, OpenSSL, D-Bus, VLC media player, K3b, libjpeg, Samba, cURL, GNU Parted, xterm, libxml2, Nautilus, Qt 4, ImageMagick, libpng, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), iptables, KDE, Adblock Plus, Amarok, Konqueror, WinSCP
48 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, PHP, Bash, Linux Kernel, GNU tar, X.Org, GNU grep, GNU Core Utilities, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection, rsync, MPlayer, GNU sed, GNU Screen, GnuPG, GNU Autoconf, GNU Automake, GDB, GNU binutils, Inkscape, bzip2, GNU Libtool, FUSE, OpenSSH, SQLite, pkg-config, Apache Subversion, sudo, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Firebug, GLib, GNU gettext, Wget, GNU findutils, GNU Diff Utilities, Python programming language, FFmpeg, GNU C Library, GTK, irssi, GNOME, gzip, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Cairo, NetworkManager
23 unique projects GIMP, LaTeX, GNU Emacs, Liferea, GnuTLS, SCons - a Software Construction tool, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), GNOME Do, Wireshark, libvorbis, libogg, Gawk, GStreamer, VLC media player, OpenSSL, Evince, Samba, D-Bus, libpng, The FreeType Project, udev, GraphViz, Redshift
44 shared projects Bash, GNU Make, Apache OpenOffice, sudo, X.Org, OpenSSH, GNU binutils, Wget, GNU findutils, Python programming language, bzip2, MPlayer, GNU C Library, GNU Autoconf, Git, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU sed, GNU Automake, FFmpeg, Wine, GTK, Inkscape, PHP, Apache HTTP Server, Linux Kernel, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, MySQL, jQuery, Apache Subversion, GNOME, phpMyAdmin, GNU GRUB, Mozilla Firefox, Firebug, TortoiseSVN, GNU Compiler Collection, rsync, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), SQLite, PuTTY, GNU grep, GNU Screen, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim)
16 unique projects ImageMagick, Vim, OpenSSL, Samba, Wireshark, Debian, Nmap Security Scanner, cURL, Perl, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), LaTeX, Postfix, CakePHP, GIMP, Thunderbird, VLC media player
44 shared projects Apache HTTP Server, Firebug, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Make, GTK, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, PuTTY, GNU Compiler Collection, X.Org, Apache Subversion, Linux Kernel, GNU tar, GNU GRUB, GNU Screen, GNU sed, GNOME, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU binutils, PHP, Python programming language, Bash, GNU findutils, bzip2, Git, FFmpeg, GNU grep, OpenSSH, GNU Diff Utilities, Apache OpenOffice, sudo, Wget, GnuPG, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), MPlayer, GNU Autoconf, gzip, GNU C Library, GDB, GNU Automake, rsync, Wine, SQLite, Inkscape
13 unique projects ImageMagick, Wireshark, Nmap Security Scanner, LaTeX, VLC media player, OpenSSL, Thunderbird, Debian, cURL, GIMP, Samba, Perl, Vim