1 shared project ProGuard
7 unique projects Direct Web Remoting, Joda Time, Spring Framework, Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler, Apache Maven 2, jMock, Cobertura
0 shared projects
10 unique projects Apache Flex, Vim, rxvt-unicode, Mercurial, Git, Apache Subversion, Pacman, Bash, uzbl, spectrwm
1 shared project ProGuard
15 unique projects Shoebot, Mozilla Firefox, Facebook Plugin for Pidgin, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Apache OpenOffice, GNU GRUB, GIMP, Bash, Apache Subversion, Linux Kernel, Apache HTTP Server, X.Org, sudo, PHP, GNU Compiler Collection
1 shared project ProGuard
17 unique projects Log4j, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, Thunderbird, Mozilla Firefox, ANTLR, Apache Ant, OpenCms, Eclipse IDE for Java, Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), Eclipse Checkstyle Plugin, jchart2d, Apache Tomcat, PuTTY, JUnit, Firebug, GIMP
1 shared project ProGuard
29 unique projects Log4j, Apache Ant, TestNG, H2 Database Engine, Cobertura, Apache Subversion, GHC, Bash, DocBook, Cygwin, Poderosa, ReportNG, Spring Framework, FEST, FindBugs, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make, Hudson, MediaWiki, PostgreSQL Database Server, Vim, Hibernate Entity Manager, Hibernate Annotations, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Xdebug, PHPUnit
1 shared project ProGuard
33 unique projects Log4j, launch4j, Apache HTTP Server, CentOS, Eclipse IDE for Java, MySQL, TortoiseSVN, Apache Subversion, VLC media player, Apache Tomcat, Mozilla Firefox, Spring Framework, Thunderbird, Psi, PostgreSQL Database Server, H2 Database Engine, Apache Ant, FileZilla, Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server, MPlayer, bitweaver, Chromium (Google Chrome), iText ®, a JAVA-PDF library, EclipseNSIS, Oracle VM VirtualBox, SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit), pgAdmin III, Apache POI, JFreeChart, XAMPP, GWT (formerly Google Web Toolkit), Apache Derby, RSSOwl
1 shared project ProGuard
110 unique projects node_exporter, zrepl, xBrowserSync app, client_java, MeshroomAV, grafana-truenas, grafana, VictoriaMetrics, ydiff, MySQL, Elinks, Inkscape, Trac, QEMU, PHP, GnuPG, Mozilla Firefox, SQLite, phpMyAdmin, Apache OpenOffice, GNU Go, zsh, Wireshark, Firebug, UPX, DOSBox, Legacy - PCSX2 @ Sourceforge, FontForge, monotone, lighttpd, rsync, FreeBSD, Poedit, djbdns, Clam AntiVirus, procmail, Thunderbird, jEdit, Bouncy Castle, Cygwin, GNU nano, CKeditor WYSIWYG editor, Typespeed, Wine, FreeSBIE, sudo, X.Org, OpenSSL, Munin, javacc, Enigmail, tinyldap, Subversive, GIMP, Apache SpamAssassin, expiringmap, Adblock Plus, Apache Tomcat, MediaWiki, UltraVNC, WinMerge, KDiff3, WinSCP, FreeBSD Ports, KDE, Charva, csup, browser-solidity, scponly, optipng, EclEmma, Varnish, POV-Ray, Botan, MLDonkey, tmux, KRDC (KDE Remote Desktop Client), asn1js, yasm, TortoiseSVN, OpenSSH, Apache Subversion, PuTTY, VLC media player, Kopete, SeaMonkey, Nmap Security Scanner, Audacity, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Amarok, Chromium (Google Chrome), pf, Dovecot, ConnectBot, Hover Zoom+, Java Interactive Profiler, Leaflet, commit-patch, QCT, danwrong's restler, hg-git, pinry, AngularJS, angular-file, ziplet, LibrePDF-OpenPDF, Ansible, superagent, WindowsLayoutSnapshot, browser-pinry
1 shared project ProGuard
220 unique projects Log4j, Scala, FluidSynth, MySQL, GNU libiconv, Kaffe, Moonlight, JamVM, NAnt, libgdiplus, PuTTY, GNU Core Utilities, PHP, GnuPG, Apache Commons Collections, Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server, Apache Tomcat, Apache HTTP Server, GNU Screen, Git, SQLite, TortoiseSVN, WinSCP, w3m, Trac, Debian, Apache Commons Lang, Apache Commons BeanUtils, Mozilla Rhino, SCons - a Software Construction tool, UltraVNC, GHC, UPX, FontForge, JikesRVM, DeSmuME, Android, yasm, Apache Hadoop, Apache Mahout, Jersey, OpenJPEG, Apache Ivy, FreeTTS, Sonic Visualiser, Spring Framework, Firebug, Apache Maven 2, Java Native Access (JNA), Autotrace, Apache Subversion, Mozilla Firefox, JUnit, Apache Ant, Checkstyle, FindBugs, Bash, PMD, Apache Commons Logging, GIMP, Apache OpenOffice, Thunderbird, sudo, GNU tar, VLC media player, Wireshark, X.Org, rsync, GNU grep, GNU Compiler Collection, Vim, bzip2, GNU C Library, GNU Make, ImageMagick, Samba, Wine, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, pkg-config, gzip, FileZilla, file, GNU Bison, Wget, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU Diff Utilities, Python programming language, Inkscape, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, OpenSSH, OpenSSL, GNU findutils, MPlayer, yum, GNU sed, FFmpeg, Gawk, GNU binutils, libvorbis, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), libpng, GNU Libtool, Clam AntiVirus, GNU Emacs, Simple DirectMedia Layer, GNU gettext, libogg, jogl, Audacity, Ghostscript, The FreeType Project, Oracle VM VirtualBox, GNU gv, CXF, libjpeg, libTIFF, JACOB - Java COM Bridge, GraphViz, Charva, Adblock Plus, JDepend, Cygwin, BeanShell, Vuze (formerly Azureus), Blender 3D, Apache Xerces2 J, strace, Seashore, Flex, NetBeans IDE, Chicken of the VNC, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, Chromium (Google Chrome), ImageJ, CMake, NTFS-3G, lynx, FreeMind, Chromium OS, gervill, Mercurial, WinMerge, JDOM, Java Binding for SDL, GNU cpio, Clojure, Zip & Unzip, Apache JMeter, GWT (formerly Google Web Toolkit), SQuirreL SQL Client, Bouncy Castle, ASM, IKVM.NET, RubyGems, Cobertura, Tor, codavaj - javadoc in reverse, SISC, Privoxy, libtheora, Fedora Packages, Lucene, ArmedBear Common Lisp (ABCL), Lua, Rake, Axis (Java), Groovy, AspectJ, Transmission, M2Eclipse: Maven Integration for Eclipse, Axis2 (Java), iText ®, a JAVA-PDF library, Tritonus, dom4j: flexible XML framework for Java, Apache Batik, Growl, OpenJDK, Apache Derby, Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), EasyMock, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache FOP, jaxen, jEdit, Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processor, Restlet Framework, Timidity++, DbUnit, x264, HtmlUnit, javacc, Rome, Adium, The MacPorts Project, WebKit, Django, Cyberduck, SoX - Sound eXchange, Perian, FFMpeg Objects - C++ & JMF bindings, Speex, KDiff3, oauth, Bazaar, SDL_image, SDL_ttf, Mono, SWIG, GNU ed, Mono.Reflection, JRuby, Jython, PHPEclipse, SDL_mixer, SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit), Apache HttpComponents Core, Gnash, GNU Classpath, Apache MyFaces, PyDev