1 shared project Zeitgeist Project
No unique projects
1 shared project Zeitgeist Project
1 shared project Zeitgeist Project
46 unique projects Mozilla Firefox, Wine, emesene, GNU C Library, GNOME Terminal, Apache Subversion, GNOME, MySQL, GTK, Bash, GNU Compiler Collection, Linux Kernel, SQLite, Audacity, Apache OpenOffice, X.Org, Thunderbird, Compiz Reloaded, sudo, GNU Core Utilities, X-Chat, GNOME Web (Epiphany), GNU GRUB, Python programming language, Eclipse IDE for Java, Git, gedit, Wireshark, GLib, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Evince, Cairo, Pango, Transmission, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Rhythmbox, Evolution, metacity, Mozilla Add-ons, PulseAudio, GNU nano, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Blender 3D, Meld, AbiWord, Gnome Activity Journal
1 shared project Zeitgeist Project
50 unique projects Log4j, Django, Apache Commons Collections, pytest-factoryboy, django-mptt, iso-codes, EasyMock, SourceGrid, Lucene, Apache Lucene.Net, Hibernate Annotations, Tapestry, Spring Framework, Spring.NET Application Framework, NUnit .Net unit testing framework, JUnit, Apache log4net, D-Bus, Apache POI, NPOI, Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processor, GNU gettext, Apache Commons Logging, Apache Commons Lang, XStream, TestNG, XMLUnit, Apache PDFBox, iText ®, a JAVA-PDF library, Axis (Java), OpenJDK, Apache FOP, Barcode4J, GTK, libxml2, libgee, Application Indicators, gconf, GLib, SQLite, Caluma, JSON:API and Django Rest framework, libappindicator, Mockito, Joda Time, ObjectLab Kit, Apache Derby, Playframework-Spring-module, pyjexl, Javascript Expression Language