20 shared projects OpenSSL, rsync, bzip2, RubyGems, Rake, jQuery, Wget, Apache Subversion, Ruby on Rails, Git, OpenSSH, Ruby, WebKit, Prototype Javascript Framework, SQLite, Adium, script.aculo.us, Growl, Colloquy, Cyberduck
28 unique projects GNU Screen, Apache HTTP Server, GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU grep, Firebug, Mozilla Firefox, MySQL, Bash, GNU Core Utilities, sudo, ImageMagick, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), cURL, RSpec, Hpricot, PHP, Nmap Security Scanner, VLC media player, PuTTY, SQLite-Ruby, GNU tar, RMagick, The MacPorts Project, GNU Diff Utilities, Trac, Apache SpamAssassin, skype4pidgin
24 shared projects Git, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, OpenSSL, Wget, Rake, OpenSSH, Cyberduck, rsync, WebKit, bzip2, Perian, Adblock Plus, Growl, Samba, Colloquy, SQLite, Quicksilver, Adium, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), gzip, RubyGems, Transmission, Apache Subversion
50 unique projects GNU Core Utilities, GNU Compiler Collection, Eclipse IDE for Java, GNU Make, Wireshark, Vim, Vuze (formerly Azureus), GNU findutils, GDB, GNU sed, Nmap Security Scanner, Clam AntiVirus, GNU Screen, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), MediaWiki, GNU Diff Utilities, Webmin, ImageMagick, tcpdump, cURL, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, Postfix, FFmpeg, Apache Maven 2, FUSE, libvorbis, HandBrake, VLC media player, Thunderbird, Firebug, Bugzilla, RMagick, WordPress, config, Miro, The MacPorts Project, NTFS-3G, Vienna, KeePass, Apache HTTP Server, Mozilla Firefox, Bash, GNU tar, MySQL, Apache OpenOffice, GNU grep, PHP, sudo, X.Org
18 shared projects Ruby, Rake, Ruby on Rails, RubyGems, Prototype Javascript Framework, SQLite, Adium, script.aculo.us, Colloquy, Growl, Git, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), YAML, Perian, Apache Subversion, Quicksilver, WebKit, Redmine
21 unique projects RSpec, Radiant, Python programming language, PostgreSQL Database Server, zsh, Mozilla Firefox, X.Org, Firebug, GDB, Wireshark, Clam AntiVirus, GraphViz, SQLite-Ruby, Phusion Passenger, HandBrake, Apache HTTP Server, Vim, WordPress, Macromates TextMate Bundles, Eclipse IDE for Java, Camino
17 shared projects YAML, Adium, Rake, SQLite, RubyGems, bzip2, Ruby on Rails, Ruby, Git, OpenSSL, script.aculo.us, Growl, OpenSSH, Apache Subversion, Colloquy, rsync, Wget
28 unique projects BlueCloth, Bash, god, Compass Stylesheet Framework, sudo, Vim, GNU GRUB, Cucumber, RSpec, Hpricot, GNU Make, RedCloth, Macromates TextMate Bundles, Linux Kernel, SQLite-Ruby, GNU Screen, GNU findutils, nginx, The MacPorts Project, MySQL, GNU grep, Mozilla Firefox, Radiant, Apache HTTP Server, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU Core Utilities, GNU tar
21 shared projects bzip2, jQuery, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), Ruby, Debian, Samba, Wget, Git, Blender 3D, Oracle VM VirtualBox, OpenSSL, Adblock Plus, rsync, OpenSSH, Mozilla Add-ons, Ruby on Rails, RubyGems, Prototype Javascript Framework, Rake, script.aculo.us, dpkg
48 unique projects Mozilla Firefox, GNU Make, OpenVPN, Trac, sudo, GNU gettext, Apache HTTP Server, GNU findutils, Linux Kernel, Apache SpamAssassin, Bash, Apache OpenOffice, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Compiler Collection, K3b, Firebug, Vim, X-Chat, GIMP, Python programming language, GNU GRUB, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU grep, X.Org, MPlayer, Clam AntiVirus, GNU tar, Inkscape, GNU Diff Utilities, GNOME, GNU Screen, PostgreSQL Database Server, GNU binutils, byteflow, Totem, GnuPG, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), Evolution, GNU sed, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, Fedora Packages, Wine, Evince, Mercurial, FFmpeg, Gentoo Linux, Django, GStreamer
17 shared projects YAML, Ruby on Rails, Git, Wget, Rake, RubyGems, Ruby, OpenSSH, script.aculo.us, Growl, Adium, Apache Subversion, Colloquy, jQuery, rsync, OpenSSL, bzip2
24 unique projects Cucumber, RSpec, Hpricot, RedCloth, CruiseControl.rb, RMagick, god, Phusion Passenger, Macromates TextMate Bundles, SQLite-Ruby, Vim, The MacPorts Project, monit, Firebug, sudo, MySQL, Apache HTTP Server, Mozilla Firefox, Linux Kernel, GIMP, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU Screen, aria2
13 shared projects Rake, RubyGems, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Wget, Prototype Javascript Framework, script.aculo.us, Git, SQLite, Apache Subversion, OpenSSL, OpenSSH, Samba
16 unique projects ConEmu - Console Emulator, RSpec, Thin, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU grep, cURL, SQLite-Ruby, Firebug, MySQL, GNU GRUB, Mozilla Firefox, ImageMagick, Linux Kernel, Vim, PuTTY, Cucumber
19 shared projects OpenSSH, OpenSSL, Debian, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), jQuery, gzip, Mozilla Add-ons, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Growl, Adium, Colloquy, Ruby, RubyGems, script.aculo.us, bzip2, Ruby on Rails, Apache Subversion, Rake, Prototype Javascript Framework
35 unique projects Mozilla Firefox, PHP, phpMyAdmin, ImageMagick, cURL, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), sudo, GNU GRUB, Thunderbird, libpng, GD, libjpeg, The FreeType Project, GraphViz, mcrypt, PEAR, Greasemonkey, phpDocumentor, PHPUnit, TinyMCE, Zend Framework, The MacPorts Project, php.js, Cucumber, RSpec, GNU tar, GNU Make, Bash, Python programming language, GNU grep, Vim, GNU Compiler Collection, Firebug, MySQL, Apache HTTP Server
12 shared projects RubyGems, Ruby on Rails, Prototype Javascript Framework, script.aculo.us, Apache Subversion, Ruby, rsync, SQLite, Adium, OpenSSL, Debian, Rake
11 unique projects Bash, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Mozilla Firefox, iUI, RSpec, Firebug, Typo, AWStats Log Analyzer, lighttpd, MySQL, Apache HTTP Server
8 shared projects Prototype Javascript Framework, Rake, script.aculo.us, Ruby, Debian, Git, Ruby on Rails, RubyGems
3 unique projects Linux Kernel, e-texteditor, BlueCloth
16 shared projects Ruby, SQLite, Adium, YAML, Apache Subversion, Rake, OpenSSL, Ruby on Rails, rsync, script.aculo.us, Wget, OpenSSH, RubyGems, Growl, Prototype Javascript Framework, Git
23 unique projects CruiseControl.rb, RSpec, sudo, The MacPorts Project, GIMP, GNU Screen, nginx, Vim, Mozilla Firefox, Hpricot, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, Linux Kernel, god, Bash, SQLite-Ruby, GNU grep, GNU Core Utilities, Merb, Macromates TextMate Bundles, Firebug, Phusion Passenger, monit