29 shared projects rsync, sudo, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, Bash, GNU sed, pkg-config, GNU findutils, bzip2, Wget, GNU Screen, OpenSSH, GNU Diff Utilities, GDB, GNU Automake, Vim, GNU Libtool, GNU gettext, cURL, FUSE, GNU Parted, GNU binutils, GNU Autoconf, tcpdump, irssi, Gawk, GNU Bison, Keychain
13 unique projects OpenSSL, SQLite, GNU Compiler Collection, dpkg, GNU GRUB, GNU Make, Linux Kernel, GnuPG, mtr, GNU C Library, Valgrind, Perl, Flex
23 shared projects GNU M4, GNU Bison, rsync, GNU binutils, Vim, GDB, GNU Autoconf, Doxygen, GNU Libtool, GNU Automake, Bash, OpenSSH, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU findutils, GNU Core Utilities, GNU sed, bzip2, sudo, GNU tar, GNU grep, Wget, pkg-config, cURL
7 unique projects config, Boehm-Demers-Weiser Garbage Collector, GNU Compiler Collection, Git, GraphViz, GNU C Library, GNU Make
22 shared projects GNU grep, GNU sed, Wget, Vim, GNU gettext, GNU findutils, rsync, bzip2, Gawk, GNU Libtool, Bash, GNU tar, GDB, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Autoconf, GNU Screen, OpenSSH, GNU Diff Utilities, sudo, pkg-config, GNU binutils, GNU Automake
7 unique projects GNU C Library, GNU Make, GLib, Linux Kernel, Apache HTTP Server, GNU Compiler Collection, Apache Subversion
23 shared projects sudo, rsync, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU tar, GNU grep, GNU findutils, GDB, GNU Automake, bzip2, ImageMagick, OpenSSH, GNU binutils, GNU Libtool, Nmap Security Scanner, udev, tcpdump, GNU gettext, Bash, GNU sed, GNU Screen, Wget, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Autoconf
11 unique projects Apache Subversion, GNU Make, X.Org, Linux Kernel, GnuPG, GNU C Library, Mozilla Firefox, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU GRUB, OpenSSL, Gentoo Linux
21 shared projects Gawk, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, OpenSSH, Wget, GNU Screen, rsync, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU findutils, ImageMagick, mutt, GNU sed, GNU Diff Utilities, cURL, Bash, tcpdump, GNU grep, LaTeX, GNU Parted, bzip2, sudo
8 unique projects Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, GnuPG, OpenVPN, OpenSSL, gzip, GraphViz, dpkg, ZXing
26 shared projects GNU binutils, ImageMagick, Vim, Gawk, Wget, GNU grep, GNU Automake, GNU Diff Utilities, pkg-config, Python programming language, mutt, tcpdump, GNU tar, GNU sed, bzip2, GNU Autoconf, Exuberant Ctags, GDB, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Libtool, GNU Screen, OpenSSH, sudo, GNU findutils, rsync, Bash
15 unique projects Coda Distributed File System, OpenSSL, Wireshark, Linux Kernel, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Git, GNU C Library, Valgrind, GNU Make, Trac, gzip, GnuPG, GNU Compiler Collection, Mozilla Firefox, Flex
19 shared projects rsync, GNU binutils, tcpdump, cURL, Nmap Security Scanner, Vim, pkg-config, Wget, sudo, GNU Core Utilities, bzip2, GNU sed, GNU grep, GNU findutils, GNU Screen, GNU Diff Utilities, OpenSSH, GNU tar, Bash
5 unique projects GNU Compiler Collection, GnuPG, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, memtest86+, GNU Make
27 shared projects GNU Screen, GNU Core Utilities, rsync, sudo, Bash, GNU Automake, pkg-config, Gawk, LaTeX, GNU Diff Utilities, FUSE, Wget, cURL, Vim, GNU tar, GNU grep, GNU gettext, GNU Parted, GNU findutils, bzip2, OpenSSH, GNU sed, GNU binutils, GNU Libtool, GNU Autoconf, GDB, udev
25 unique projects GNU GRUB, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make, Apache Subversion, debian-installer, Mozilla Firefox, Linux Kernel, Debian, Apache HTTP Server, X.Org, OpenSSL, MoinMoin, Wireshark, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, GIMP, Samba, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), Postfix, dpkg, GnuPG, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GnuTLS, GNU C Library, MPlayer, Apache SpamAssassin
26 shared projects GNU binutils, GNU Core Utilities, Python programming language, GNU Autoconf, GNU Parted, Wget, GNU Automake, LaTeX, GNU findutils, GNU grep, Bash, GNU gettext, Nmap Security Scanner, sudo, Vim, GNU Screen, GNU tar, cURL, udev, GNU Diff Utilities, OpenSSH, GNU Libtool, rsync, bzip2, GNU sed, FUSE
21 unique projects GNU GRUB, gzip, GLib, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), GNU C Library, FFmpeg, OpenSSL, PHP, PostgreSQL Database Server, memtest86+, GNU Make, Linux Kernel, Git, Debian, SQLite, Samba, GNU Compiler Collection, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder)
30 shared projects sudo, GNU Automake, FUSE, GNU Core Utilities, ImageMagick, GNU Libtool, tcpdump, bzip2, GNU sed, Vim, GNU binutils, GNU tar, Bash, rsync, GNU Screen, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU grep, GNU findutils, Wget, OpenSSH, Gawk, GNU Autoconf, udev, GDB, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU gettext, cURL, pkg-config, GNU Parted, GNU Aspell
34 unique projects GNU C Library, GTK, libvorbis, GnuTLS, D-Bus, Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, OpenSSL, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), libpng, Apache HTTP Server, Linux Kernel, GnuPG, MySQL, PHP, Firebug, GNU GRUB, GNU Compiler Collection, Wireshark, libjpeg, Apache OpenOffice, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, libogg, memtest86+, X.Org, GNU Make, The FreeType Project, fontconfig, GLib, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), FFmpeg, Postfix, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, HAL
23 shared projects OpenSSH, Bash, GNU findutils, Wget, GNU binutils, GNU Automake, GNU Autoconf, GNU tar, GNU grep, sudo, GNU Core Utilities, ImageMagick, Vim, tcpdump, cURL, bzip2, FUSE, GNU gettext, GNU Diff Utilities, rsync, GNU sed, Nmap Security Scanner, udev
15 unique projects GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSL, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Samba, GNU Make, GNU GRUB, GNU C Library, Apache Subversion, FFmpeg, X.Org, MPlayer, GIMP, PyFacebook, PanDAV - a WebDAV library and server, Zabbix
18 shared projects pkg-config, GNU Diff Utilities, sudo, GNU Screen, GNU grep, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU tar, Wget, GNU binutils, mutt, GNU nano, GNU Libtool, GNU findutils, GNU Core Utilities, bzip2, rsync, GNU Parted, GNU sed
5 unique projects GNU Make, dpkg, Clam AntiVirus, gzip, OpenVPN