36 shared projects WordPress, TortoiseSVN, Mozilla Add-ons, VI, Greasemonkey, PEAR, Notepad++, jQuery, GNU grep, GNU Make, MySQL, Firebug, PHP, Apache HTTP Server, GNU Compiler Collection, CakePHP, phpMyAdmin, Mozilla Firefox, Wine, Apache Subversion, PuTTY, sudo, Wget, GNOME, OpenSSL, rsync, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), OpenSSH, cURL, VLC media player, Vim, SQLite, PostgreSQL Database Server, BitTorrent, script.aculo.us, FileZilla
28 unique projects GNU Emacs, Amarok, WinSCP, Gentoo Linux, libxml2, GD, gzip, gedit, Compiz Reloaded, Python programming language, GNU Core Utilities, X.Org, Bash, GNU Autoconf, GNU findutils, ImageMagick, GNU tar, Linux Kernel, bzip2, GNU sed, GNU Automake, Trac, BlueZ, Git, Gallery 2, Totem, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), Cygwin
32 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, MySQL, rsync, Apache HTTP Server, Thunderbird, GNU Make, Firebug, Apache Subversion, GNU Compiler Collection, Wget, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Apache OpenOffice, VLC media player, sudo, Wireshark, Wine, KDE, OpenSSL, jQuery, GNU grep, cURL, TortoiseSVN, PuTTY, Vim, OpenSSH, SQLite, PostgreSQL Database Server, FileZilla, GIMP, BitTorrent, Mozilla Add-ons, Notepad++
19 unique projects Linux Kernel, Git, gzip, Amarok, Bash, GNU Diff Utilities, Debian, Samba, Adblock Plus, Cygwin, Chromium (Google Chrome), Oracle VM VirtualBox, ImageMagick, Ghostscript, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, LaTeX, Eclipse IDE for Java, WinSCP
32 shared projects Firebug, Prototype Javascript Framework, PostgreSQL Database Server, MySQL, PuTTY, FileZilla, Bugzilla, Thunderbird, OpenSSH, sudo, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), lighttpd, Apache Subversion, phpMyAdmin, PHP, Mozilla Firefox, Notepad++, CVS: Concurrent Versions System, Django, CakePHP, OpenSSL, Apache HTTP Server, Wine, Zend Framework, WordPress, Perl, PEAR, jQuery, PHPUnit, script.aculo.us, SQLite, PHPEclipse
18 unique projects Ruby on Rails, Joomla!, FirePHP, Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT), Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), RubyGems, Eclipse IDE for Java, GanttProject, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Python programming language, mod_python, Ruby, NetBeans IDE, Amarok, Umbrello UML Modeller, SQLite-Ruby, Rake, Linux Kernel
25 shared projects Mozilla Add-ons, MySQL, Zend Framework, TinyMCE, Thunderbird, Apache OpenOffice, Apache HTTP Server, jQuery, phpMyAdmin, SimpleTest, Mozilla Firefox, MediaWiki, PHPUnit, VLC media player, phpDocumentor, Apache Subversion, Notepad++, WordPress, sudo, CakePHP, PuTTY, Vim, PHP, Firebug, TortoiseSVN
5 unique projects Aptana, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), MooTools, Bash, YSlow
23 shared projects GIMP, Apache OpenOffice, TortoiseSVN, sudo, CakePHP, phpMyAdmin, Wine, WordPress, TinyMCE, script.aculo.us, Apache HTTP Server, Mozilla Firefox, Greasemonkey, PHP, MySQL, PuTTY, Thunderbird, VLC media player, Prototype Javascript Framework, Apache Subversion, jQuery, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Firebug
4 unique projects Web Developer (Browser Add-on), Eclipse IDE for Java, Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT)
24 shared projects CakePHP, phpMyAdmin, Firebug, jQuery, PuTTY, TortoiseSVN, Mozilla Firefox, Apache HTTP Server, PHP, Apache Subversion, MySQL, Apache OpenOffice, GNU Compiler Collection, Thunderbird, GIMP, VLC media player, sudo, WordPress, Vim, GNOME, Wget, OpenSSH, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Wine
6 unique projects Web Developer (Browser Add-on), GNU tar, Linux Kernel, Inkscape, X.Org, bzip2
31 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache OpenOffice, SQLite, WordPress, Apache Subversion, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Firebug, OpenSSH, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), PostgreSQL Database Server, phpMyAdmin, VLC media player, PuTTY, Wireshark, FileZilla, GIMP, sudo, Thunderbird, GNU Compiler Collection, Vim, Wget, OpenSSL, jQuery, X-Chat, GNOME, TortoiseSVN, MediaWiki, GNU gettext, Dia
21 unique projects Apache Tomcat, Bash, Linux Kernel, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), Trac, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), GNU tar, X.Org, GNU GRUB, WinSCP, Samba, Cygwin, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), NetworkManager, Eclipse IDE for Java, Nmap Security Scanner, Inkscape, GraphViz, WinMerge
30 shared projects Apache Subversion, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Mozilla Firefox, phpMyAdmin, Firebug, Apache OpenOffice, GIMP, sudo, Thunderbird, VLC media player, Vim, Wget, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSH, GNU Make, rsync, GNOME, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), PostgreSQL Database Server, WordPress, jQuery, Mozilla Add-ons, cURL, Wireshark, Wine, VI, Dia, Greasemonkey
20 unique projects Bash, GNU Core Utilities, GNU sed, GNU Diff Utilities, Eclipse IDE for Java, gzip, Nautilus, Totem, Chromium (Google Chrome), Aptitude, Evince, GNOME Terminal, Doxygen, gThumb image viewer and browser, HTML Validator for Mozilla and Firefox, Meld, Liferea, Simple DirectMedia Layer, JUnit, NetBeans IDE
30 shared projects Apache HTTP Server, sudo, GNU Make, Mozilla Firefox, MySQL, Apache Subversion, phpMyAdmin, OpenSSL, PHP, GNU grep, VLC media player, Firebug, Apache OpenOffice, GNU Compiler Collection, PuTTY, GIMP, Vim, TortoiseSVN, Thunderbird, OpenSSH, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNOME, Wget, jQuery, PostgreSQL Database Server, rsync, WordPress, Perl, CakePHP, FileZilla
18 unique projects Openfire, GNU tar, Eclipse IDE for Java, Git, Bash, GNU GRUB, Python programming language, GNU Core Utilities, Linux Kernel, Debian, X.Org, bzip2, Trac, GNU Screen, MPlayer, GNU findutils, Inkscape, Apache Tomcat
25 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, Firebug, Apache HTTP Server, phpMyAdmin, MySQL, PHP, OpenSSH, FileZilla, PuTTY, Wget, Apache OpenOffice, sudo, VLC media player, Thunderbird, TortoiseSVN, Vim, Notepad++, jQuery, WordPress, Wireshark, cURL, SQLite, Wine, PostgreSQL Database Server
10 unique projects Bash, Eclipse IDE for Java, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), Git, ImageMagick, GNU C Library, Nmap Security Scanner, gzip, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Cygwin
25 shared projects Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Apache OpenOffice, PuTTY, GIMP, GNU Compiler Collection, phpMyAdmin, TortoiseSVN, GNU grep, sudo, OpenSSH, GNU Make, jQuery, GNOME, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Wget, FileZilla, OpenSSL, Notepad++, SQLite, GDB, Wine
10 unique projects Linux Kernel, Bash, GNU tar, Git, GNU Screen, Debian, Chromium (Google Chrome), Samba, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), DeaDBeeF
20 shared projects WordPress, phpMyAdmin, lighttpd, MySQL, SQLite, cURL, TortoiseSVN, Apache HTTP Server, Wget, OpenSSL, MediaWiki, Firebug, PHP, Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, PuTTY, VLC media player, phpBB Forum Software, Perl, rsync
2 unique projects Smarty, Python programming language