11 shared projects Wget, GNU GRUB, GNU Screen, GNU findutils, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Emacs, OpenSSH, GHC, rxvt-unicode, X.Org, xmonad
9 unique projects Perl, Vim, sudo, Git, GNU Core Utilities, xmonad-contrib, Gentoo Linux, Linux Kernel, GNU grep
12 shared projects rsync, OpenSSH, GNU Screen, rxvt-unicode, irssi, GNU Compiler Collection, X.Org, GNU GRUB, Wget, bzip2, GnuPG, GNU findutils
15 unique projects Chromium (Google Chrome), Vim, MOC, Linux Kernel, Arch Linux, GNU Core Utilities, zsh, VLC media player, dwm, BitlBee, GNU grep, GNU tar, sudo, MPlayer, GIMP
5 shared projects GHC, QuickCheck, Haskell base, cabal, Haddock
7 unique projects dimensional, hslogger, leapseconds, astro, pandoc, Git, fad
10 shared projects xmonad, GHC, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), OpenSSH, bzip2, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU GRUB, rsync, GNU Screen
11 unique projects GNU grep, Vim, Vimperator, Linux Kernel, Mozilla Firefox, GNU tar, Python programming language, zsh, sudo, Apache OpenOffice, VLC media player
5 shared projects GHC, Haskell base, QuickCheck, cabal, Haddock
11 shared projects GNU Emacs, X.Org, bzip2, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU findutils, Wget, Debian, OpenSSH, GNU GRUB, GNU Screen, GnuPG
15 unique projects Mozilla Firefox, Git, GDB, GNU grep, GNU binutils, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU Make, GNU Core Utilities, GNU sed, Vim, GNU tar, Linux Kernel, OpenSSL, sudo, GNU C Library
14 shared projects Trac, GHC, QuickCheck, cabal, MPD, GNU GRUB, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, Wget, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), X.Org, xmonad, rsync, mpc, GNU Screen
33 unique projects Scala, ScalaCheck, Apache Subversion, TortoiseSVN, Apache Ant, NetBeans IDE, Pacman, Arch Linux Packages, Apache OpenOffice, Bash, Mozilla Firefox, sudo, GNOME, AUR, Apache HTTP Server, ImageMagick, xterm, Arch Linux, xmobar, Vim, GIMP, Linux Kernel, Samba, Eclipse IDE for Java, LVM, PulseAudio, Sonata, xmonad-contrib, LaTeX, VLC media player, Cygwin, NixOS, hshpw
11 shared projects Wget, GNU Compiler Collection, Debian, rsync, X.Org, GNU Emacs, bzip2, GNU findutils, OpenSSH, GnuPG, GNU GRUB
15 unique projects GNU Diff Utilities, Bash, OpenSSL, Python programming language, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Make, Linux Kernel, Apache Subversion, GNU tar, GNU grep, sudo, GNU binutils, Mozilla Firefox, Git, GIMP
6 shared projects GHC, xmonad, cabal, Haskell base, QuickCheck, Haddock
5 unique projects Pugs, xmobar, xmonad-contrib, mtl, lambdabot
13 shared projects rxvt-unicode, irssi, GNU Compiler Collection, X.Org, Wget, rsync, OpenSSH, GNU findutils, GnuPG, GNU GRUB, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), GNU Screen, MPD
26 unique projects Sonata, mutt, Git, Mozilla Firefox, Bash, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), Transmission, Vim, GNU Core Utilities, VLC media player, GNU tar, GNU Make, sudo, Apache OpenOffice, Nmap Security Scanner, Linux Kernel, GNU grep, GNU C Library, GNU Autoconf, Samba, Thunderbird, awesome, Vimperator, Arch Linux, rtorrent, libtorrent
19 shared projects GNU Screen, X.Org, GNU Compiler Collection, bzip2, Debian, Wget, MPD, mpc, GNU findutils, GnuPG, GHC, GNU GRUB, OpenSSH, FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec, irssi, xmonad, cabal, Haskell base, Haddock
80 unique projects openc2e, Vim, GNU grep, ImageMagick, Valgrind, GIMP, GNU binutils, GNU C Library, GNU Diff Utilities, GNU Make, LaTeX, PuTTY, Qt 4, Wine, Apache HTTP Server, Python programming language, VLC media player, GNU Parted, mtr, CIA.vc, Simple DirectMedia Layer, DOSBox, lambdabot, lighttpd, htop, Boost C++ Libraries, WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant, Linux NTFS file system support, Elinks, MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows, Adblock Plus, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), memtest86+, c3-ds-tools, The Netwide Assembler, pommed, Perl scripts for the IRSSI IRC client, ettercap, Kismet, iftop, DeSmuME, Lua, GNUpod, BitlBee, NDISwrapper, devkitPro, avr-libc, Linux Kernel, Mozilla Firefox, PostgreSQL Database Server, K3b, dpkg, YAML, GNU tar, sudo, OpenSSL, MPlayer, GDB, GNU Core Utilities, Nmap Security Scanner, GNU Libtool, Wireshark, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, libvorbis, Ruby, Apache Subversion, Git, SQLite, Inkscape, xterm, WinSCP, Robotfindskitten, rtorrent, zsh, array, GQview image viewer, socat, mtl, xmonad-contrib, debian-installer