3 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection
2 unique projects Ultimate++, Git
3 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make
2 unique projects CDT (Eclipse), Splint
2 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, GNU Compiler Collection
3 shared projects GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection, The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
3 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make
3 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection
3 unique projects Linux Kernel, Git, GDB
3 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection
3 unique projects cpp-coveralls, GDB, CMake
2 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make
1 unique project Git
2 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make
1 unique project GNU Core Utilities
2 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make
1 unique project Qt 4
2 shared projects GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection
1 unique project GDB
2 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make
1 unique project Apache Subversion