1 shared project Vrapper
5 unique projects Bash, openArchitectureWare, Mozilla Firefox, TortoiseSVN, EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration
1 shared project Vrapper
4 unique projects Apache Subversion, Mozilla Firefox, Mercurial, JBoss Application Server
1 shared project Vrapper
7 unique projects NetBeans IDE, Eclipse IDE for Java, Firebug, MySQL, Apache Subversion, Dia, SQuirreL SQL Client
1 shared project Vrapper
20 unique projects Git, MSysGit, SVN-Admin, timeboss, Thunderbird, Mozilla Firefox, Apache Subversion, PuTTY, Apache OpenOffice, WinDirStat: Windows Directory Statistics, Notepad++, VLC media player, TortoiseSVN, Vim, CommitMonitor, UCDetector, FindBugs, Apache Maven 3, Vimperator, Cygwin
1 shared project Vrapper
26 unique projects PostgreSQL Database Server, Git, EGit, Spring Framework, Mozilla Firefox, X.Org, MPlayer, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Linux Kernel, GIMP, Bash, GNU grep, GNU tar, sudo, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Core Utilities, OpenSSH, Vim, GNU GRUB, GNU findutils, Wget, GNU Make, Eclipse IDE for Java, Apache Tomcat, Anki, AnkiDroid
1 shared project Vrapper
93 unique projects Linux Kernel, Mozilla Firefox, OGRE, Python programming language, Vim, GIMP, Inkscape, CakePHP, Wireshark, Django, Adblock Plus, Mercurial, Transmission, Xen Project (Hypervisor), htop, GHC, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Evince, Blender 3D, Qt 4, CMake, FreeBSD, Nautilus, GNOME Terminal, Mesa, Linux NTFS file system support, banshee, TortoiseHg, zlib, Munin, Rockbox, Eye of GNOME, NTFS-3G, Mumble, LibreOffice, Brasero, Empathy, Zip & Unzip, Pacman, Arch Linux, Arch Linux Packages, Parrot, Haiku, OpenSSH, Pygame, Synapse project, VLC media player, Project Hamster, GParted, Crazy Eddie's GUI System, py2exe, TiddlyWiki, Arduino, GNU Compiler Collection, Matomo, PyPy, Liferea, Comix, Openwall - John the Ripper, PuTTY, Audacity, coreboot, GMP, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), EVEMon, Sumatra PDF, Apache Subversion, TortoiseSVN, Ogitor, libre.fm, Bash, X.Org, GNU tar, GNOME, GNU GRUB, sudo, Apache HTTP Server, Wget, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Make, MySQL, PHP, FFmpeg, GTK, SQLite, FileZilla, NetworkManager, PulseAudio, Wine, The Bug Genie, Redmine, DeaDBeeF, Unknown Horizons