5 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, Vim, GDB, Git, GNU Compiler Collection
No unique projects
7 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, Git, GDB, GNU Compiler Collection, Vim, Python programming language, Valgrind
3 unique projects CMake, Mercurial, Rust (programming language)
5 shared projects GNU Compiler Collection, Vim, Python programming language, Git, Valgrind
1 unique project Eclipse IDE for Java
5 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, Vim, Git, GNU Compiler Collection, GDB
1 unique project GNU Make
4 shared projects Vim, GDB, Valgrind, GNU Compiler Collection
No unique projects
5 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, GNU Compiler Collection, Git, GDB, Vim
2 unique projects GNU Make, clang_complete
5 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, Qt Creator, Python programming language, Vim, Git
1 unique project Qt 5
6 shared projects Valgrind, The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, Git, GDB, GNU Compiler Collection, Vim
5 unique projects GNU Make, GNU grep, OCaml, GHC, CVS: Concurrent Versions System
4 shared projects Vim, Git, Python programming language, Qt Creator
1 unique project Linux Kernel
4 shared projects Git, Vim, GNU Compiler Collection, Python programming language
1 unique project GNOME Builder
4 shared projects Python programming language, GNU Compiler Collection, GDB, Valgrind
1 unique project Bazaar
4 shared projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, GNU Compiler Collection, Valgrind, Qt Creator
1 unique project Apache Subversion