1 shared project Redback
3 unique projects Apache Continuum, Apache Maven 2, Apache Archiva
1 shared project Redback
4 unique projects Apache Maven 2, Apache Continuum, MojoHaus, Apache Archiva
1 shared project Redback
16 unique projects Thunderbird, Apache HTTP Server, TortoiseSVN, Apache Subversion, Mozilla Firefox, Apache OpenOffice, MySQL, Apache Maven SCM, Apache Maven 2, Maven 1, Apache Archiva, Maven Plugins, MojoHaus, Apache Continuum, Modello, GWT (formerly Google Web Toolkit)
1 shared project Redback
15 unique projects Checkstyle, Maven 1, Cobertura, Apache Continuum, HyperSQL Database Engine, PMD, Apache Ant, Maven Plugins, MojoHaus, Apache Maven 2, Apache Archiva, JUnit, Modello, FindBugs, Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server
1 shared project Redback
24 unique projects Log4j, Apache Direct Memory, Apache Maven 2, Apache Continuum, MojoHaus, Apache Maven SCM, Maven Doxia, Apache Tomcat, JUnit, Apache Subversion, Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), Maven Plugins, Apache Maven 3, Apache jclouds, Jenkins, Apache Archiva, Apache CloudStack, Modello, Apache Helix, Apache Onami, Apache Commons Lang, Git, Apache Sirona, Apache BatchEE
1 shared project Redback
325 unique projects Log4j, Mozilla Firefox, Apache OpenOffice, Apache HTTP Server, Bash, Linux Kernel, X.Org, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU GRUB, OpenSSL, Vim, MPlayer, Common Unix Printing System (CUPS), ImageMagick, GnuPG, sudo, Ghostscript, GNU C Library, AbiWord, Commons IO, JFreeChart, SVNKit, GNU Core Utilities, GNU findutils, GDB, xterm, alien, OpenLDAP, Kino, Umbrello UML Modeller, NDISwrapper, SQuirreL SQL Client, Graphical Editing Framework (GEF), GNU Compiler Collection, Bouncy Castle, CinePaint, rsync, Glade User Interface Designer, Apache ActiveMQ, GNU sed, FUSE, Apache XML Graphics Commons, OpenSSH, Debian, mtr, GNU Midnight Commander, tcpdump, Nmap Security Scanner, cURL, D-Bus, GnomeVFS, Perl, Exim, Thunderbird, BlueZ, Konqueror, KDElibs (KDE), ArgoUML, AspectJ, Axis2 (Java), M2Eclipse: Maven Integration for Eclipse, LAME (Lame Ain't an MP3 Encoder), FFmpeg, GraphViz, SQLite, Doxygen, Exuberant Ctags, Web Developer (Browser Add-on), Apache Jackrabbit, MojoHaus, LaTeX, lighttpd, Apache Xerces2 J, TestNG, Wireshark, w3m, DocBook, WinSCP, Kerberos, libvorbis, bzip2, GTK, Evince, Mailman, gThumb image viewer and browser, DejaVu fonts, GNU Aspell, fontconfig, Liferea, GQview image viewer, libxslt, Evolution, Avidemux, gconf, Apache Ant, GanttProject, Smartmontools - S.M.A.R.T. Disk Monitoring Tools, libogg, VI, GNU nano, Kate (KDE), Saxon XSLT and XQuery Processor, GnuTLS, GNU binutils, dpkg, Wget, udev, X-Chat, Meld, avahi, Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler, ehcache, dom4j: flexible XML framework for Java, EMF, Apache Cocoon, GNU Libtool, PMD, Rosegarden, GNU Parted, memtest86+, HAL, xine - a free video player, Inkscape, Xen Project (Hypervisor), Linux NTFS file system support, Spring Framework, Apache JMeter, jEdit, XStream, Dojo Toolkit, Kde remote desktop manager, Mozilla Rhino, JGoodies Looks, GNOME, NetworkManager, Cairo, BitTorrent, Trac, MySQL, KDE, Beagle, Apache Tomcat, iText ®, a JAVA-PDF library, Velocity, Pidgin IM (ex-Gaim), Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), Vuze (formerly Azureus), Lucene, springmodules, JasperReports Library, Totem, VLC media player, Apache Commons BeanUtils, rdesktop, ACPI, Eclipse Mylyn, GKSu, Dia, Firebug, rxvt-unicode, WordPress, JUnit, Cygwin, FreeMind, Apache Commons Logging, FontForge, Eclipse Graphical Modeling Project (GMP), Cargo, GNU Diff Utilities, htop, Gutenprint (formerly Gimp-print), Audacity, ettercap, Apache Commons Lang, AJDT - AspectJ Development Tools, Apache Continuum, PuTTY, Keychain, Battle for Wesnoth, Krusader, Compiz Reloaded, pgAdmin III, Pango, Eclipse Ant Plugin, Scribus, Apache Commons FileUpload, Eclipse Communication Framework, Apache Maven 2, Tango Desktop Project, Apache FOP, Blender 3D, Apache HttpComponents Core, ANTLR, Munin, OpenVPN, WPA/WPA2/IEEE 802.1X Supplicant, Apache HttpComponents Client, JBoss Application Server, Cobertura, Enlightenment (e16), PostgreSQL Database Server, GD, Apache POI, Apache Batik, PHP, Eclipse DLTK - Dynamic Languages Toolkit, mcrypt, Gnumeric, XChat-GNOME, Apache Derby, Eclipse BIRT, Groovy, ASM, Apache ORO, mplayerplug-in for mozilla, Ekiga, Axis (Java), SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy), DBI, Seahorse, Hibernate Entity Manager, Hibernate Annotations, Hibernate Tools, Gammu, Direct Web Remoting, Telepathy Gabble, GCstar, XEmacs, Devhelp, Sawfish Window Manager, Empathy, Anjuta DevStudio, TestNG-Eclipse, GNU Classpath, Adblock Plus, Subversive, EMMA code coverage, htDig2, RapidSVN, xvidcap, KRDC (KDE Remote Desktop Client), script.aculo.us, Yakuake, NTFS-3G, PulseAudio, KStars, SSHTools, openArchitectureWare, Joda Time, Drupal (core), Gnash, nautilus-sendto, ExifTool, KPhotoAlbum, GlassFish, Snort, kdesvn, libtheora, Gwenview, Apache Lenya, jaxen, NetBeans IDE, aMule, EasyTAG, metacity, digiKam, Icecast, Equinox, Openwall - John the Ripper, Ecore Tools, GeSHi, Kompare (KDE), Eclipse Modeling Workflow Engine, ObexFTP, Topcased, UltraVNC, blueMarine, gnokii, HtmlUnit, KDiff3, gedit, Stellarium, Tellico, Smarty, Eclipse EMF Search, Nautilus, Hugin, Apache PDFBox, DbUnit, KDevelop, Galeon, GNU M4, Quanta Plus (KDE), Apache XML Commons, Qt 4, KMobileTools (KDE), IzPack, javacc, Apache Archiva, PEAR, Shorewall, Eye of GNOME, FreeMarker, Acegi Security System for Spring, FireStarter, ProFTPD, OpenJDK, Revelation, Kaffeine (KDE), GNU gv, Synfig, MusicBrainz Server, mpg123, Telepathy, gzip, LibreOffice, Adium, Python programming language, MediaWiki, XAMPP, Oracle VM VirtualBox, Samba, Wine, BIND9 (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)