15 shared projects Bash, Git, Vim, GNU grep, Mozilla Firefox, sudo, GNU tar, Wget, GNU Make, GNU Core Utilities, Linux Kernel, OpenSSH, GNU Compiler Collection, rsync, GNU findutils
5 unique projects Python programming language, MySQL, X.Org, Apache HTTP Server, OpenSSL
14 shared projects Bash, Linux Kernel, Mozilla Firefox, GNU grep, sudo, GNU tar, GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSH, Wget, Vim, GNU Core Utilities, GNU findutils, rsync
4 unique projects Thunderbird, Apache OpenOffice, VLC media player, GNU GRUB
13 shared projects GNU grep, OpenSSH, Bash, Git, Linux Kernel, Vim, sudo, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU tar, GNU Make, Wget, GNU Core Utilities, GNU findutils
15 shared projects Git, rsync, GNU findutils, GNU Make, Wget, Vim, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSH, sudo, GNU tar, GNU grep, Mozilla Firefox, Bash, Linux Kernel
7 unique projects GNU Diff Utilities, GNU sed, GNU Screen, bzip2, OpenSSL, X.Org, Apache HTTP Server
11 shared projects Git, Bash, Vim, GNU Compiler Collection, Linux Kernel, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, OpenSSH, GNU Make, Wget
No unique projects
13 shared projects tmux, Mozilla Firefox, GNU grep, Bash, GNU Core Utilities, Linux Kernel, sudo, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU tar, OpenSSH, Vim, GNU Make, Git
14 shared projects Linux Kernel, Bash, GNU Compiler Collection, Vim, Mozilla Firefox, GNU grep, GNU tar, sudo, OpenSSH, GNU Make, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, GNU findutils, rsync
6 unique projects Gentoo Linux, X.Org, Apache Subversion, GNU GRUB, OpenSSL, bzip2
12 shared projects sudo, GNU Core Utilities, Wget, GNU Make, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU findutils, GNU Compiler Collection, Linux Kernel, Git, Vim, OpenSSH
12 shared projects OpenSSH, Vim, Mozilla Firefox, Linux Kernel, Bash, sudo, GNU grep, GNU tar, GNU Core Utilities, GNU Compiler Collection, GNU Make, Wget
13 shared projects Bash, Linux Kernel, Vim, tmux, Git, GNU grep, GNU tar, OpenSSH, GNU Make, GNU Compiler Collection, rsync, Wget, GNU Core Utilities
5 unique projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, OpenSSL, CMake, GNU GRUB, X.Org
12 shared projects sudo, Git, GNU Make, Vim, GNU Compiler Collection, Bash, GNU grep, GNU tar, OpenSSH, GNU Core Utilities, Mozilla Firefox, Wget
1 unique project The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
12 shared projects Bash, Git, GNU grep, GNU tar, Linux Kernel, Wget, sudo, GNU Compiler Collection, OpenSSH, GNU Core Utilities, Vim, GNU Make
1 unique project X.Org