5 shared projects Code::Blocks, Doxygen, CMake, Git, GNU Make
4 unique projects GNU Compiler Collection, GNU C Library, GDB, Valgrind
4 shared projects CMake, Doxygen, Git, GNU Make
3 unique projects GNU Compiler Collection, Boost C++ Libraries, Qt 4
2 shared projects Code::Blocks, Git
No unique projects
3 shared projects Doxygen, CMake, Git
1 unique project Visual Studio Code
4 shared projects CMake, Doxygen, GNU Make, Git
6 unique projects GNU grep, Vim, GNU Compiler Collection, GDB, GNU Core Utilities, Bash
4 shared projects CMake, Doxygen, Git, GNU Make
6 unique projects The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure, GNU Compiler Collection, Boost C++ Libraries, Valgrind, GDB, AutoGen: The Automated Program Generator
3 shared projects Git, Doxygen, CMake
3 unique projects Valgrind, NetBeans IDE, php-avdesk
3 shared projects CMake, Git, GNU Make
3 unique projects Qt Creator, GNU Compiler Collection, Mercurial
4 shared projects CMake, Git, GNU Make, Doxygen
6 unique projects CDT (Eclipse), GNU Compiler Collection, Eclipse IDE for Java, Inkscape, Apache OpenOffice, TReqS: Tape Request Scheduler