2 shared projects Java 3D vecmath package, Java 3D Core
2 unique projects JFreeChart, jchart2d
3 shared projects Java 3D vecmath package, Java 3D Core, Java 3D Core Utilities
11 unique projects Jalopy Java Source Code Formatter, NetBeans IDE, splines, PreciseInternalDate, Java 3D examples, WinSCP, Hudson, Apache Subversion, GlassFish, Apache Ant, Thunderbird
1 shared project Java 3D vecmath package
6 unique projects Bootstrap (twbs), jQuery, asm.js, GeoTools, Redmine, Knockout JS
1 shared project Java 3D Core
21 unique projects libgdx, nifty-gui, Apache Subversion, Bash, GIMP, Mozilla Firefox, Linux Kernel, jogl, Ardor3D, jMonkey Engine, Git, IcedTea, Jeti_, LibreOffice, JFreeChart, OSM2World, Mageia, Java Bindings for OpenAL, Eclipse IDE for Java, NetBeans IDE, OpenJDK
1 shared project Java 3D Core
34 unique projects Log4j, jEdit, JGoodies Looks, ImageJ, NetBeans IDE, Apache Commons BeanUtils, JGoodies Forms, JGoodies Binding, Fedora Packages, FindBugs, Apache Commons Collections, Apache Commons Configuration, Apache Ant, jai-imageio-core, XStream, Cygwin, Mozilla Firefox, JabRef, Apache Subversion, Apache HTTP Server, Thunderbird, Apache OpenOffice, TortoiseSVN, Workrave, rsync, JUnit, Apache Commons Lang, Groovy, Commons IO, DocBook, CentOS, Substance look and feel, ImageJ Plugins, Bayesian Network Classifiers in Java
1 shared project Java 3D Core
56 unique projects Log4j, Apache Subversion, Jetty: Java based HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, Servlet, WebSocket Server, iText ®, a JAVA-PDF library, Apache Ant, Doxygen, Sun Java Streaming XML Parser, Java Native Access (JNA), FindBugs, ArgoUML, NetBeans IDE, Apache POI, YALE Open-Source Java Data Mining, Apache Tomcat, Apache Commons Collections, jpf (java plugin framework), Apache Struts, FreeMind, Thunderbird, PHP, Apache OpenOffice, Mozilla Firefox, PuTTY, TortoiseSVN, GIMP, Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J), EMMA code coverage, Apache Maven 2, Apache Commons Logging, Apache Commons Lang, Commons IO, Joda Time, Audacity, The Java Advanced Imaging API core, javacc, GeoTools, JUnit, Checkstyle, Apache HttpComponents Client, PMD, FileZilla, Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler, springmodules, Apache JMeter, Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP), Eclipse IDE for Java, Tapestry, IzPack, Spring Framework, Apache Commons BeanUtils, Velocity, Velocity DocBook Framework, jsmooth, Chromium (Google Chrome), Drupal (contributions), ThinkingRock